(from Prime Time, August, 1977, p. 31-32.)
The St. Louis Task Force for Hunan Rights is planning exciting things for the next couple of months.
First, we are compiling a listing of restaurants that are supportive, i.e., that welcome gay people. There will also be a list of those restaurants that are homophobic or anti-gay. After the listing is compiled, it will be published so that the gay community will have a guide to what places deserve our business and what places do not. After the restaurant guide, we hope to move on to apartments, businesses and employers. Look for the restaurant guide around the end of September.
Currently, we are developing a strategy for dealing with Ms. Bryant when she comes to Columbia or St. Louis. We will also be doing some fund-raising for ourselves and for the Gay Rights National Lobby—your voice in Washington.
We have one person looking Into the possibility of a gay radio station, or at least some air time for the gay community. More on that later...
Rick Garcia