Introduction Baseline 1980 1980-1990 1990-2000

CHANGES 2000 TO 2010

By 2010, the picture of inequality within states had 
not changed much.  The listing of the bottom 10 remained 
the same in 2010 as in 2000, except that Tennessee entered 
the list and Mississippi left it. Within this bottom ten, 
5 states appeared in all four study years; Colorado, 
Kentucky, New Mexico, Texas, and Virginia. Another four 
appeared on the list in three of four years (Alabama, 
Georgia, Mississippi, South Dakota), three appeared in 
two of the years (Louisiana, New York, Tennessee), and 
just two states placed in the bottom list for a single 
year (Arizona, Wisconsin) (Table 10).  In 2010 Texas once 
more became the state where the poorest county where INDEX 
was the lowest percent of the most affluent county, but New 
York fared little better.  The percentage in Texas was 10.68 
compared to 12.85 in New York. At the other end of the spectrum 
were Delaware and Connecticut with percentages of 81.37 and 
69.25 respectively (Figure 26). 

The largest percentage gap in 2010 was in New Mexico (248.97) 
closely followed by Texas (245.31) (Table 10; Figure 27). The 
narrowest percentage gap was in Delaware (21.08) followed by 
Connecticut (36.90) and Vermont (37.89). The narrowest gaps 
continue to be in the New England region.

Looking at the change in percentage gap from 2000 to 2010, 
the gap widened in 31 states and narrowed in 17.  The biggest 
narrowing of the percentage gap was in New York where the gap 
shrank by a little over 19 points.  In 9 states the percentage 
gap expanded by more than 19 points, with a maximum in Texas 
of a 61.43 percentage point increase (Figure 28).  It seems 
that the general narrowing of the gap observed in the 1990s 
did not continue in the first decade of the 21st century, but 
instead is similar to the widening gaps seen in the 1980s.

Figure 26. State Poorest County INDEX as a Percent 
of the Most Affluent County INDEX by State, 2010, 

Figure 27. Poorest and Most Affluent County Percentage 
Gap Compared to State Average, 2010

Figure 28. Change in Percentage Gap Between Poorest and 
Most Affluent Counties Compared to State Average, 2000-10

Entire Study Period 1980-2010