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Connie S. Barber

School of Business

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Management & Information Systems

Unit 5.4: Adding totals

Access allows for totaling and subtotaling values on reports. Totals are placed in the Report Footer and appear one time at the end of the report. Subtotals are placed in Group Footers by default and appear at the end of every group. The following types of calculations can be chosen from the present options:
  • Sum: adds the values in the field
  • Average: averages the values in the field
  • Count Records: counts all records even if there is no data in the field
  • Count Values: counts only the records with a value in the field
  • Max: displays the largest value in the field
  • Min: displays the smallest value in the field
  • Standard Deviation: calculates the standard deviation of the values in the field (this is a statistical technique)
  • Variance: calculates the variance of the values in the field (this is a statistical technique)

Access does allow you to create fields on reports and enter formulas, similar to entering a formula in a cell in an Excel worksheet. The instructions for those techniques can be found in the Help section of Microsoft Access. For now, follow the instructions in the adding totals to reports document to complete this task for the Menagerie Kennel database. Again, review the screenshots of reports document as necessary to compare your results to the instructor solution.