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Connie S. Barber

School of Business

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Management & Information Systems

Unit 5.2: Creating from wizard

The Report Wizard is very similar to the Query Wizard used in Unit 7. It will walk you through steps, providing cues to different report features. Follow the steps in the creating a basic report document to generate the following reports:
  • rptAmountDue
  • rptCostMonthAverages
  • rptCostWeeksAverages
  • rptLargeAnimals
  • rptMediumAnimals
  • rptPetPhoneNumbers
  • rptSmallAnimals

Inside of Access, mailing labels are considered to be a report. Follow the steps in the creating mailing labels document to generate the following reports:
  • rptOwnerMailingLabels
  • rptVetMailingLabels

Once you have completed these nine reports, move on to the next section to learn about grouping and sorting records in reports.