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Connie S. Barber

School of Business

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Management & Information Systems

Unit 5.1: Report basics

What are reports in Access?

Access reports are static views of data. They provide a means for users to see the data on the screen or in hard copy. Through reports the data can be aggregated into user-friendly layouts which communicate the information in a clear manner. They also provide a way to view the data without accessing the data and potentially making changes.

Why/when should reports be used?

A report is a database object that comes in handy when you want to present the information in your database for any of the following uses:
  • Display or distribute a summary of data
  • Archive snapshots of the data
  • Provide details about individual records
  • Create labels

In this unit you will create the following reports:
  • rptAmountDue
  • rptCostMonthAverages
  • rptCostWeeksAverages
  • rptLargeAnimals
  • rptMediumAnimals
  • rptOwnerMailingLabels
  • rptPetPhoneNumbers
  • rptSmallAnimals
  • rptVetMailingLabels

You may notice that the names are similar to the queries created in Unit 4. The reports will be based upon those queries.