Seth Mendenhall Logo

Personal Projects

Development of a Lyrics Website

02/06/2019 – 12/01/2019

Sample Lyrics Photo

Related Learning Objectives:

Skills Used

Many skills were used in this project, including coding multiple scripting languages, server and database setup, and web page development & design.

Project Focus

This project focused on developing a website that serves as a platform for musicians/songwriters to share their music. I wanted to allow visitors of the site to retrieve new lyrics each day to assist in their songwriting.

Contribution / Role

Owner of website / Programmer / Web Developer

Technology / Skills

Technology used for this project includes:


Over the past few years, I came up with a few ideas for websites I wanted to start. One of these ideas was a song lyrics website for songwriters. After I decided to purchased a virtual private server, I started this simple website that serves as a platform for songwriters to retrieve lyrics for their music. As a songwriter myself, I struggled at times thinking of certain phrases. The idea was to give visitors of the site new phrases of lyrics each day to help them finish their songs or serve as a jumping off point for new songs.