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Connie S. Barber

School of Business

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Management & Information Systems

Unit 4.1: Query basics

Query basics

What are they? Queries are a method for aggregating the data inside of tables. Through the relationships they allow data from related tables to be brought together for purposes chosen by the database users. Using a query makes it easier to view, add, delete, or change data in your Access database. Some other reasons for using queries (taken from Access help):
  • Find specific quickly data by filtering on specific criteria (conditions)
  • Calculate or summarize data
  • Automate data management tasks, such as reviewing the most current data on a recurring basis.
There are eight different types of queries that can be created. However, the most commonly used are:
  • Select query: review data from only certain fields in a table, or review data from multiple tables simultaneously
  • Parameter query: run variations of a particular query. The query prompts you for field values, and then uses the values that you supply to create criteria for your query
Why/When are they needed? A query can give you an answer to a simple question, perform calculations, combine data from different tables, add, change, or delete data from a database. So, for example, the users of the Menagerie Kennel database may want to:
  • track who still owes money for services
  • create an emergency call list for the pets
  • track costs
  • have mailing labels for all owners
Each of these tasks can be accomplished through queries which leverage the relational aspect of Micrsoft Access. In the remainder of this unit you will learn how to create queries in the Menagerie Kennel database.