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Connie S. Barber

School of Business

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Management & Information Systems

Unit 3: Importing data into Access from Excel

Importing data into Access from Excel

As noted in the Menagerie Kennel database overview video in Unit 5, there are two methods for entering data into an Access database. One method is manual entry. During this method a user enters the data via input devices such as a keyboard or mouse. Data can be typed in or chosen from pull down lists. The second data entry method is importing the data from an external program. For the Menagerie Kennel database example, the data is given to you in a Microsoft Excel workbook. In this unit we will walk through the steps of importing that data into an Access database. The following topics will be covered:
  1. Preparing the data in Excel
  2. Importing the data to Access to create table
  3. Adjusting data types for the fields in the tables
  4. Setting up the relationships between the tables
Once these steps are completed you will be ready to learn how to create queries and reports based on the tables.