Creating an Online Lecture

Record a Wimba Lecture

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

Wimba Live Classroom is available in all Blackboard classes under the Communications link in the Course menu. Any recording made in Wimba is available in any course that you are listed as an instructor role.

Record your Lecture

Begin Recording

When your have practiced and feel confident in your ability to speak, you are ready to record.

Set your lecture back to the first slide.

Take a drink of water and a big breath.Archive button

Click the black Archive button at the top of the Wimba window.

You will receive a pop up window "Would you like to archive this presentation? OK for yes, Cancel for No." Click the OK button.

Wait until you hear a voice "Archiving has started" and the words ">>Archiving stared." appears in the text box. The Archive button will be red.

Begin your recording.

End RecordingArchive Stop

To end your recording, click the red Archive button.

You will receive a pop up window "Would you like to stop the archive? OK for yes, Cancel for No." Click the OK button.

You will hear a voice stating that "The Archive has stopped. The Archive is being Saved." DO NOT exit out of Wimba yet. Wait until you hear the voice state "Archive has been saved". If you exit before the saving process is complete, you will loss the entire recording.

When your archive is completely saved, click the Exit link.

Make Your Recording Available

Once you have made your recording you will need to make the Live Classroom unavailable. You do not want your students to accidentally go into the Live Classroom instead of the Archive.

You will also need to make the Archive recording available as it is set to unavailable by default. If you do not make it available, when you try to link to it in the next section, you will not see the archive.

To return to the Live Classroom page, click the Live Classroom link in the breadcrumbs.

Live Classroom link in Breadcrumbs

To make the Live Classroom link unavailable, click the green circle in the Access column. Click OK to continue.

To make the Archive available, click the orange circle in the Access column. Click OK to continue.

Make Live classroom unavailable and archive available

All archives will be titled by the name of the Live Classroom plus the day and time of the recording. To avoid confusion, rename the archive by subject or lecture or week. Avoid using dates if possible so that the same archive can be used in future semesters.

To rename the archive, click on the Archive link to enter the Archive page.

Enter Archive by clicking the link

Click the Edit Setting button in the tool bar.

Edit settings of the archive

Type in a new name. This name should be specific to this particular recording.

Rename the archive title

Click Submit at the bottom of the page.

Click OK on the receipt page.

Next...Link your Lecture in your Classroom

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For questions or more information, please contact Laura Million at 618-650-5500 or email me at

Copyright © 2010 - Laura Million
Last Updated: