Creating an Online Lecture

Record a Wimba Lecture

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4


Enter the Wimba Room


Click on the room title to enter the room.


Note: if you have created other room in other course shells, those rooms will appear here too.

Enter Wimba Room

The Wimba Room

Wimba Window

  • Content Frame - the area where the slide images and URLs will appear
  • Control Panel - the folders containing the images
  • Talk button - needs to be pressed to talk
  • Options Panel - contains the lock talk
To access your images, from the Control Panel, click on the down arrow next to the "Default Content Folder" and select the folder with your images. Click the Go button. Folders

The first slide will appear in the Content Frame

First slide

Since this slide was assigned as an eBoard, the eBoard panel appears on the left side to enable you to draw, type or mark up the slides. The students will not see the eBoard panel in the recording.

To advance to the next slide, click the right arrow next to the Web/eBoard/Share buttons above the folder or by clicking on the title of the next slide.


There are two ways to talk, holding down the Talk button or engaging the Lock Talk. The Lock Talk is the most convenient way talk when in the lecture mode.

Lock talk

To engage the Lock Talk, click the Option Panel and select Lock Talk. Notice that the talk button is now orange and a small lock appears to indicate that you are in Lock Talk.

You are ready to practice your lecture.

Tips & Tricks

  • Plan on recording only 15-20 minutes in length. Any longer an you will loose your student's attention.
  • Keep each lecture to one topic. Make a new lecture for each topic. It will make it easier for the students to return to the lectures for future reference.
  • You will not be able to pause the recording and start over so prepare what you are going to say before you start recording. At minimum, have an outline.
  • Don't read a script word-for-word. Be natural and ad-lib when ever possible, just like you do in your classroom.
  • Rehearse what you are going to say to familiarize yourself with the topic.
  • Don't worry about the occasional blunder. Treat this like you are talking to your students in the classroom. If you make a mistake, correct it and go on.
  • Keep it natural. Don't worry about "umms" and "ahhhs." You say those in the class. If you have too many (more than you realized), edit them out.
  • Have a glass of water with you. Nerves and talking will dry your mouth.
  • Record in a quiet room. Close your office door, put the kids to bed, lock out dog and spouse, turn off the TV. Noises that we usually never hear become very obvious when playing back a recording.

Practice, Practice, Practice. If you don't like it the first time, try it again.

Next...Record your Lecture

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For questions or more information, please contact Laura Million at 618-650-5500 or email me at

Copyright © 2010 - Laura Million
Last Updated: