Creating an Online Lecture
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

Here is a list of resources that you can use when Creating Online Lectures.


Please note that this software is not owned or supported by SIUE or Information Technology Services. Please refer to the software's help manual for instructions.


Audacity is a free software for recording and editing sound.

Price - Free
Platform - PC, Mac and Linux


Adobe Captivate

Adobe Captive is a screen capture software that allows you to create interactive tutorials, or step-by-step demonstrations, software simulations.

Price - 30 Day Free Trial
Platform - PC, Mac



Camtasia allow screen capture, recording of online lectures and presentations.

Price - 30 Day Free Trial
Platform - PC, Mac



Price - available on most SIUE owned computers
Platform - PC, Mac


Wimba is a synchronous live classroom tool that incorporates PowerPoint slides, voice, chat and web cam to deliver online lectures, office hours, recorded lectures, student presentations (live and recorded).

Price - Free - build into Blackboard - No download necessary
Platform - PC, Mac

To access Wimba:

  • Log into any Blackboard Course
  • Click on the Communications link in the Course Menu
  • Click on Live Classroom or any other Voice Tools

Wimba Live Classroom Support Page

Voice Tools Support Page




Under constructions



Guidelines & Articles

These articles will take you to external resources. SIUE and ITS is not responsible for the content or any advertisement displayed on these pages. Please report a broken link or inappropriate site to


Podcasting and Education - Is podcasting spreading like wildfire across campuses, or does it just seem like it? Can good podcasts on your school's site boost enrollment? How can educators get started in podcasting on a budget? What's the first rule to follow in considering whether or not to create a podcast? (more)

Rubric for Podcasts - University of Wisconsin - This rubric may be used for self-assessment and peer feedback. (more)

Podcast Legal Music - Some record labels and sites that feature podcast-legal music... (more)

Podcasting News - Latest news in the world of podcasts. (more)

Podcasting Lectures: Formative evaluation strategies helped identify a solution to a learning dilemma - Educause Quarterly (more)

Podcasting in Education: A Perspective from Bryn Mawr College - If you haven't heard of podcasting in education, then you've likely been hiding under a rock. Ever since Duke launched its iPod initiative a couple of years ago, educators have been exploring not just the use of audio, but the connection of audio to the iPod and to other portable music devices. (more)

There's Something in the Air: Podcasting in Education - It’s midweek at Anywhere State University. Jenny rolls out of bed at about nine a.m., as usual, and thinks about breakfast and her first class. As she’s dressing and getting ready to go out, she fires up iTunes on her laptop and checks her podcast subscriptions. There’s a new show from Adam Curry at Daily Source Code, another one from Cody at Vinyl Podcast (“fair use of forgotten music”), and three audio feeds from her classes...(more)

Globalizing Education One Podcast at a Time - ...during a single semester reveal that podcasting has had a significantly positive impact on preservice science ... Podcasting is but one way to enable this kind of professional sharing....(more)

Podcasting - from the University of Wisconsin - what it is, how to use it in teaching and learning... (more)



What is RSS? RSS Explained - RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it. (more)

Making an RSS Feed - RSS is a method of distributing links to content in your web site that you'd like others to use. In other words, it's a mechanism to "syndicate" your content. (more)

RSS Feeds 101 - What are feeds? I see "RSS", "XML", and "Atom" out there, but I don't know how I might use these links when I find them. (more)


Online Lectures

Alternatives to the Online Lecture - When instructors adapt their course materials to the online environment, they should be sensitive to the advantages and disadvantages of the Virtual Classroom. Web-based learning is well-suited for communications, collaboration, and information acquisition, but not for reading long text files. (more)

Engaging Lecture Capture: Lights, Camera… Interaction! - It might sound strange to use the word “interaction” when talking about course lecture capture, but interaction is the key to engaging students. (more)

Show Me! On Demand: Budget Friendly Instructional Videos - Creating short videos using a free program like Jing allows instructors to supplement lectures without budget pressures and makes time devoted to office hours more effective as well. (more)

For questions or more information, please contact Laura Million at 618-650-5500 or email me at

Copyright © 2010 - Laura Million
Last Updated: