Find a bijection between the closed intervals [a,b] and [c,d] with a<b and c<d. You must prove that the function you construct is a bijection.
You really want to use a line segment. Let's start by finding a bijection \(f : [0,1] \to [a,b]\text{.}\) So, we could make the graph of our function a line through \((0,a)\) and \((1,b)\text{.}\) The formula for such a line is \(f(x) = (b-a)x + a\text{.}\)
We claim that \(f\) is a bijection. First, notice that since \(0 \le x \le 1\) and \(b-a \gt 0\text{,}\) we have \(a \le (b-a)x + a \le (b-a)+a = b\text{,}\) so \([a,b]\) is a valid codomain. Now suppose \(f(x) = f(y)\text{.}\) Then \((b-a)x + a = (b-a)y + a\) so \((b-a)x = (b-a)y\) and hence \(x = y\) since \(b-a \gt 0\text{.}\) Thus \(f\) is injective. Now let \(z \in [a,b]\) and consider \(x = \frac{z-a}{b-a}\) which lies in \([0,1]\) since \(z \in [a,b]\text{.}\) Then a computation guarantees that \(f(x) = z\text{,}\) so \(f\) is surjective.
Now, the function \(g : [0,1] \to [c,d]\) given by \(g(x) = (d-c)x + c\) is also a bijection, and its inverse is given by the formula \(g^{-1}(x) = \frac{x-c}{d-c}\text{.}\) Then \(f \circ g^{-1} : [c,d] \to [a,b]\) is a bijection and \((f \circ g^{-1})(x) = (b-a) \frac{x-c}{d-c} + a\text{.}\)