This exercise is vital to your success in this course because definition will be written in English. It is imperative that you are able to translate them into precise logical statements.
Translate each of the following English sentences into logical statements if it is a proposition. If it is not a proposition, say so and explain why. For the atomic propositions (i.e., the ones that cannot be further broken down), assign them a letter. For example, for the sentence “my dog is cute and I am not a construction worker,” you should provide the answer P∧(¬Q) where P is the proposition “my dog is cute” and Q is the proposition “I am a construction worker.”
- I am neither a good basketball player nor a good baseball player.
- I am not both American and Japanese.
- 17 is prime and divides 476 implies 17 divides either 68 or 7.
- What time is the movie?
- If I owe you a dollar, then either I am in debt or you owe me more than a dollar.
- x2 is a rational number.
- 2<5 is necessary and sufficient for 4<25.
- I am not a quick reader, but I can do mathematics easily.
- This statement is not true.
- There are clouds whenever it is raining.
- 3+2=5 if and only if 3⋅2≠7.
For the next sentences, you may need to use quantifiers. Be sure to specify the universe of discourse in each case. Moreover, you should not use abbreviations like in the previous problem, you need to determine how to state each of the properties mathematically.
- There is a unique smallest positive integer.
- Each real number is either positive or negative.
- Every integer exceeds another.
- Some integer is greater than the rest.
- Rational numbers are real.
- \((\neg P) \wedge (\neg Q)\) (or equivalently, \(\neg (P \vee Q)\) where \(P\) is “I am a good basketball player,” and \(Q\) is “I am a good baseball player.”
- \(\neg (P \wedge Q)\) where \(P\) is “I am american,” and \(Q\) is “I am Japanese.”
- \((P \wedge Q) \implies (R \vee S)\) where \(P\) is “\(17\) is prime,” \(Q\) is “\(17\) divides \(476\text{,}\)”, \(R\) is “\(17\) divides \(68\text{,}\)” and \(S\) is “\(17\) divides \(7\text{.}\)”
- Not a proposition because it is a question and so has no truth value.
- \(P \implies (Q \vee R)\) where \(P\) is “I owe you a dollar,” \(Q\) is “I am in debt,” and \(R\) is “you owe me more than a dollar.”
- Not a proposition because \(x\) is an unquantified variable; this is an open sentence.
- \(P \iff Q\) where \(P\) is \(2 \lt 5\) and \(Q\) is \(4 \lt 25\text{.}\)
- \((\neg P) \wedge Q\) where \(P\) is “I am a quick reader,” and \(Q\) is “I can do mathematics easily.”
- Not a proposition. If this statement were true, then by its meaning it would be false, which is a contradiction. If this statement were false, then by its meaning it would be true, which is a contradiction. Thus this statement can be neither true nor false.
- \(P \implies Q\) where \(P\) is “it is raining,” and \(Q\) is “there are clouds.”
- \(P \iff \neg Q\) where \(P\) is \(3+2 = 5\text{,}\) and \(Q\) is \(3 \cdot 2 = 7\text{.}\)
For the quantified sentences, we have
- \((\exists ! x \in \mathbb{N}) (\forall y \in \mathbb{N}) (x \le y)\)
- \((\forall x \in \mathbb{R}) \big((x \lt 0) \vee (x \gt 0)\big)\)
- \((\forall x \in \mathbb{Z}) (\exists y \in \mathbb{Z}) (x \gt y)\)
- \((\exists x \in \mathbb{Z}) (\forall y \in \mathbb{Z}) \big((x \not= y) \implies (x>y) \big)\)
- \((\forall x \in \mathbb{Q}) (x \in \mathbb{R})\)