



Social Sciences



Bureau of Economic Analysis

Contains data on national and regional economic topics.  Articles from the survey of current Business are available in PDF and HTML formats.  This site has true series for some data sets.



 Bureau of Labor Statistics

Time-series data for historical research as well as current information in the area of employment, prices, productivity, working conditions, and consumer expenditures can be obtained from this site.  The DATA section offers data series and creation of data tables. The database also provides access to online versions of BLS publications.



Business Cycle Indicators

This database contains a set of 256 data series commonly known as the US Business Cycle Indicators (dating from 1948 to present). These series are used for tracking US business activity and the data consists of quarterly and historical data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis.




EDGAR consists of the electronic filings of corporations’ financial statements that have been submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Users may search for filings by company name, by ticker symbol, or by form name and number (i.e., 10 Q, 13 G).  The data consists of findings dating from 1994 to the present



FRED: Federal Reserve Economic Data

FRED provides current and historical U.S. economic and financial data and regional economic data for Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee.  Regional economic data include statistics on employment, unemployment, and civilian labor force.




EDGAR, from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, offers electronic filings of corporations’ financial statements that have been submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission.  FreeEDGAR is a commercial service which “offers free, real-time access to EDGAR data.  FreeEDGAR also offers instant Excel spreadsheets from filing tables, indexed filings, in-depth analysis, and reference material.  Users can search of FreeEDGAR  by company name, ticker symbol, or SIC codes.



Labor Department

Databases of statistics on current and historical labor force issues also contain several text documents addressing Department programs and issues of interest (e.g., international child labor).  This site is searchable.



National Labor Relations Board

This site includes a searchable database of decisions dating from late 1996-persent. Also included are weekly summaries of action (also dating from late 1996 to the present) that are not searchable.




This database from the Labor Department replaces their Dictionary of Occupational Titles and gives information on job and worker characteristics.



STAT-USA – Available only to SIUENET users.

STAT-USA gathers the most crucial and timely business and economic information over 50 United States federal agencies.  Access to non-SIUENET users is available only in the Reference area of Lovejoy Library.




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