



AskERIC is a service for both professionals and parents.  There are several main components of the site. AskERIC Question and Answer (Q&A) Service offers custom answers to information requests; Users submit a question and receive an e-mail list of ERIC database citations and Internet resource referrals that deal with your topic.  Turn around is usually 48 hours. AskERIC Virtual Library contains lesson plans, bibliographies, and information guides. In addition the site contains a  searchable ERIC Database, a bibliographic database with citations to more than 950,000 documents and journal articles on education.

This site ‘fosters coordination, collaboration, and integration of collection and reporting of Federal data on child and family issues and conditions.” This web site offers: compendia of statistics on children and family; links to additional compendia on the Internet; and reports on children and family issues.




EROD is a searchable directory of over 2,400 national, regional, and state organizations related to education.



National Center for Education Statistics

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) collects, analyzes, and reports statistics on the condition of education in the United States.  The site includes the Encyclopedia of Education Statistics.  The Electronic Catalog Area is a searchable list of NCES publications and products. However, many of these resources are not available in full text.



National Library of Education (NLE)

A principal center for the collection, preservation, and effective utilization of the research and other information related to education and to the improvement of educational achievement.




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