Brady Henson

Major of Computer Management Information Systems

Bruce Henson

My Dad is a big influence in my life and I act a lot like him which may be good or bad. My Dad is what got be interested in my major. He is currently working at CGH Medical Center as an Advanced Systems Specialist for thier IT team. He is a hard worker and a great father.

Gail Henson

My Mom, is one of the most caring people I have ever met. Which is probably why she is an excellent nurse at CGH Medical Center. She has always been very protective and that is one of the many things I love about her. She is a great cook, even though she does not think she is. She will always do anything for her children and I admire her greatly.

Brianna Henson

Picture of Family My twin sister is one of the best people I know and I am happy I decided to go to SIUE with her. We have been connected at the hip ever since we were born and I am happy to say she is one of my best friends. She is currently studying to become a pharmacist at SIUE. She is an intern at CGH Medical Center in the pharmacy department. I am very proud of my sister and all of her accomplishments.