Whitley Washburn

SIUE Student | Mass Communications & ACS

Why Team Edward Is the Way to Go

If you have ever been a fan of the Twilight series, you are familiar with the controversy that continues to boom between fans of Team Edward and fans of Team Jacob. Most people that I know have always said that they are Team Edward, however, there have been a few people I have had to try to persuade. If you are ever in a similar situation, here are some reasons why Edward is the way to go.

First of all, Edward loved and cared for Bella more than Jacob did or ever could. Edward took Bella’s feelings into account while Jacob only cared about his own. Now, you could mention how Edward left Bella in New Moon, but he did not do this because he wanted to; he did it because he loved her. After Jasper almost attacked Bella at her 18th birthday party, Edward realized how dangerous being with her is, leading him to make the decision to leave her.

Jasper attacking Bella

Moving on, Jacob is selfish and does not respect Bella’s boundaries. During Jacob’s love confession to Bella in Eclipse, he tells her that she should choose him instead of Edward, and she tells him that she does not have romantic feelings for him (Jacob). He continues on, trying to get her to admit her feelings.

“’You feel something else for me you just won’t admit it.’”

After continuing to push the idea of her having feelings for him, he tries to forcibly kiss her. She obviously did not want to kiss him, and she did not give him permission to, so this shows a lot of his character.

Jacob tells Bella he loves her

Not to be materialistic, but Edward and his family have a lot more money than Jacob and his family do. Although this can be a selfish reason for choosing Edward over Jacob, it does not have to be seen as completely greedy on her part. At the end of the saga, Bella now has a daughter who needs to be cared for, and it can be comforting to know that the Cullens can provide that for her without it being a struggle. Plus, it can be nice to hop in on an expensive trend every once in a while.

The Cullen house

Last, but definitely not least, Jacob is literally a weirdo. When Bella is trying to bond with Renesmee, Jacob adamantly tries to take Renesmee for himself. This leads Bella to be suspicious of his motives. He tries to defend himself before telling her anything.

“’Look, it’s a wolf thing.’”

She finds out he imprinted on her newborn daughter, and she gets really angry with him, which is very understanding. Even if it is a wolf thing, it’s still weird.

Jacob likes Renesmee
Whitley Washburn
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