Mendelian Genetics WebQuest

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This is a science activity for 9th grade biology students that builds on student knowledge of genetics (specifically basic Mendelian genetics) and probabilities by introducing the relationship that malaria and sickle-cell anemia have with each other. Students will watch a short 5 minute video explaining the link of sickle-cell and malaria. There will then be a short discussion clearing up any misconceptions or unclear areas.

This activity is conducted after the introductory lessons to Mendelian genetics have been taught. Students utilize what they have learned from prior lessons and connect it to a real-world occurrence involving the learned material. In this case, Mendelian genetics and how it ties into sickle-cell anemia, which in turn has a special relationship with malaria. They will expected to be familiar with and use Punnett squares and probabilities to complete a pedigree chart and determine whether a young couple who has sickle-cell in their family tree, should or should not reproduce.

This WebQuest s designed to engage students in a fun research activity to further master Mendelian genetics. Once the WebQuest is complete, the student groups will present the information they have found and persuade the young couple, using evidence found in the pedigree chart, whether or not they should conceive a child, and the risks of conceiving one.

The following standards, crosscutting concepts, and science and engineering practices are being addressed through this WebQuest:

NGSS Standard(s):

HS-LS3 Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits

HS-LS4 Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity

Crosscutting Concept(s):

Science and Engineering Practices: