"> Connie S Barber
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Connie S. Barber

School of Business

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Management & Information Systems

Unit 2.1: Tables

Tables in Access

As previously stated, tables within Access contain all of the data for the database and are the objects on which the queries, forms and reports are based. Tables are laid out in columns and rows as shown here in Figure 5.1. Columns are referred to as fields. Rows are referred to as records

There are two ways a table can be viewed in Access. The first is called datasheet view. In this view the column names and data can be seen and the layout is similar to a spreadsheet. Click here to view a screenshot of the Employee table from the Menagerie Kennel database in datasheet view. Data can be directly typed into the table in this view. The second way to view a table is through design view. This view shows the details of the structure of the table. The attributes of each column in the table and validation rules for each attribute can be defined in this view. Click here to view a screenshot of the Employee table from the Menagerie Kennel database in design view.