Essential codimension
Last updated on
Friday, 17 April 2020
What is essential codimension?
Kadison’s Pythagorean theorem
Jireh Loreaux
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
My research interests include operator theory and operator algebras
$K_1$-injectivity of the Paschke dual algebra, and uniqueness
We prove that a large class of Paschke dual algebras of simple unital C*-algebras are $K_1$-injective. As a consequence, we obtain …
Remarks on essential codimension
We look for generalizations of the Brown–Douglas–Fillmore essential codimension result, leading to interesting local …
Restricted diagonalization of finite spectrum normal operators and a theorem of Arveson
Kadison characterized the diagonals of projections and observed the presence of an integer, which Arveson later recognized as a …
Kadison's Pythagorean Theorem and essential codimension
Kadison’s Pythagorean theorem (2002) provides a characterization of the diagonals of projections with a subtle integrality …