Jireh Loreaux

Jireh Loreaux

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville


  • Operator theory
  • Operator algebras
  • Matrix theory


  • PhD in Mathematics, 2016

    University of Cincinnati

  • BA with honors in Mathematics, 2010

    University of Cincinnati


Search or sort by year by filtering publications.
(2020). On diagonals of operators: selfadjoint, normal and other classes. Operator Theory: Themes and Variations — Conference Proceedings, Timişoara, July 2–6, 2018, pp. 193–214.

diagonals of operators arXiv: 1905.09987 [math.FA]

(2018). Traces on ideals and the commutator property. Operator Theory: Themes and Variations — Conference Proceedings, Timişoara, June 27–July 2, 2016, pp. 147–155.

arXiv: 1712.06702 [math.FA]

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Diagonals of operators

a project to characterize diagonals of operators, especially selfadjoint operators, in terms of spectral data.

Essential codimension

a project to generalize the notion of essential codimension due to Brown–Douglas–Fillmore, as well as to understand its ramifications.

Numerical range

This project investigates generalizations of the standard numerical range and their associated properties.
