Mrs. Miller's 4th Grade Classroom

Lincoln Elementary School

Welcome to Jessica Miller's Jury Portfolio!

This page serves as part of the completion of a masters program in Instructional Technology at SIUE.


Professional Autobiographical Profile

Personal Short-Term Goals

Goal 1

Goal 2

Goal 3

Goal 4

Goal 5

Personal Short-Term Goals

While completing course work here at SIUE, I have developed a deeper understanding of what technology is and how it should be utilized with instruction and used to engage students in a classroom. I know that technology integration takes careful planning and organization. I understand that in order for students to succeed in the 21st century it is vital that they learn to use technology effectively. My personal professional goal is to one day serve as an educational technologist or a media specialist within a school district. I would enjoy the opportunity to assist other educators in the integration of technology into their classrooms and share my repertoire of technology skills with other professionals. Until I reach my goal as a media specialist I will continue to attend technology workshops and seminars available to me in my school district and the surrounding area. My intention is to stay current with the latest technology tools and instructional design practices.

Part of our school district's latest initiative is creating a Professional Learning Community (PLC). Goals of this project include sharing instructional practices and ideas with others at monthly grade level and subject area meetings. My plan is to share information I have gathered with other working professionals in the school district during these meetings.

I plan to attend the 4th Grade Conference this April in Chicago, Illinois, that features technology and science related workshops. The technology workshop is geared towards the latest free web-based tools available to educators and how to use them in 4th grade classrooms. The science workshop is geared towards using manipulatives to link math and science concepts in order to increase motivation and learning in 4th grade students. My intentions by attending these workshops are to learn about the latest web-based tools available and instructional practices to improve my classroom instruction.



Contact Information: J.Miller

Created by: Jessica Miller; Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Updated: Wednesday, April 28, 2010