Mrs. Miller's 4th Grade Classroom

Lincoln Elementary School

Welcome to Jessica Miller's Jury Portfolio!

This page serves as part of the completion of a masters program in Instructional Technology at SIUE.


Professional Autobiographical Profile

Personal Short-Term Goals

Goal 1

Goal 2

Goal 3

Goal 4

Goal 5

Goal 2

Goal 2: Employs appropriate models for design and development of instruction, learning environments, and/or human performance improvement interventions.

In IT 500, we were presented material about the digital divide that currently exists in this country.  The digital divide is a problem that I face teaching in a small rural school in central Illinois.  Our building has many computers, but they are crashing daily.  Most of the computers are 8-10 years old.  I have access to a computer lab with a Smart Board that is located in the school library, but access in minimal.  Each teacher in the school building must share the lab and Library classes take place in this lab two and a half days a week.  The internet speed is extremely slow and downloading video is time consuming.  Each year it seems that more and more students have internet access at home, but also many students complain that their parents do not allow them to use the computer or that their parents are on the computer too much.  When designing the instruction required by many of the courses in the masters program, I have taken into careful consideration the technology available to my students at home and technology available to me in my school building.

I have found the NTeQ instructional design model has helped me address these technology issues.  The NTeQ design model (iNtegrating Technology for inQuiry) is a ten-step approach that carefully organizes the lesson plan, beginning with course objectives and ending with assessments.  The NTeQ model requires that I carefully examine what students need to know before, after, and during computer or technology use.  It also requires that I carefully plan and organize each activity to maximize time used while at the computer.  Students have clear expectations and each knows what to do when they are finished with a computer task. 

When designing the NTeQ unit plan for IT 481, I made sure to schedule time in the computer lab for research purposes.  This prevented the need for students to research outside of school.  I needed to make sure our time in the computer lab was used efficiently and effectively.  I wanted to find a way to find and organize websites and make the research process easier for students.  According to my research during the designing stage, a hotlist is a convenient way for teachers to find and organize websites on one webpage making research more convenient (Smolin & Lawless, 2003).  Knowing the topics my students wanted to research, I created a hotlist of student-friendly and age appropriate websites.  I then bookmarked the hotlist in the computer lab and in my classroom for easy access.  This made the research process much easier.  The majority of my students had little prior experience with creating slide show presentations.  Therefore, based upon the NTeQ model, I created screen captures, or technical guides, for students to use while working in the Star Office slide show presentation program.  This eliminated questions from students in the computer lab and allowed me to assist more with content of presentations, rather than technology issues.


When designing the NTeQ unit plan for IT 572, I found that many of my students were unfamiliar with flip cameras and video technology software.  They were assigned the task of creating a video to meet one of 2 criteria: demonstrate a force and motion concept or persuade others to buy a simple machine.  I began by showing them examples of both types of videos prior to their assigned task.  This worked well as a visual.  I found again that creating technical guides helped tremendously with learning how to use the flip cameras.  Little work was needed from students outside of school, as it related to the technology tool. 

Technical Guides 1 2

As a requirement for IT 571, I needed to assist a fellow colleague with implementing a technology tool.  A fellow colleague was interested in integrating a technology tool to help improve reading comprehension and fluency.  After surveying her students about their technology proficiencies, we decided to address this issue by incorporating a social networking tool into the classroom.  She was interested in incorporating a tool that allowed students to read and share information with each other.  We decided that a wiki would be the best tool to address problem.  The wiki served as a great collaborative tool.  She used this tool as a compliment to literature circles already used in her classroom.  Again, the NTeQ model served best when designing instruction.  I assisted in developing task lists, checklists, and rubrics to assist her in the implementation process.

IT 571: NTeQ Unit

Wiki (used for collaboration)

Wiki (student use during unit)


As part of IT 560, I was given the task of writing a technology plan for the Collinsville School District.  To address this task we first analyzed the current ISAT results of students in the elementary school, Twin Echo Elementary.  We then researched current technology programs in place within the school district.  After carefully analyzing student data, we wrote SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely) to address ways to improve student achievement.  I collaborated on this particular project with three other classmates.  We used the file sharing component of Blackboard in order to do so.  This component made this process much easier and more convenient since we were separated by distance.  I learned from this assignment how much time and research goes into the construction of a technology plan within a school district.    

Technology Plan


Smolin, L.I., & Lawless, K.A. (2003, Mar). Becoming literate in the technological age: New responsibilities and tools for teachers. The Reading Teacher, 56(6), 570-577.




Contact Information: J.Miller

Created by: Jessica Miller; Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Updated: Wednesday, April 28, 2010