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How to Utilize the Internet:


Prospect Research

What Resources Are Available On the Internet:

bulletNetBenefit is an non-profit corporation that has decided to offer the Internet community an alternative to traditional buying.  Consumers can buy thousands of CD's and CD-ROMs with 50% of the net profits going to member non-profits.
bulletAmerica Online has created Accesspoint Civic Involvement System.  This is an on-line charity center.  People can read about the charity sector and donate to charities through the charity center.
bulletThe Charity Village in Canada is a diverse charity Internet site that has created a gifts-in-kind Flea Market where charities can post their products for free every month.  They do charge commercial organizations or private citizens $11.00 a month to post items.
bulletThere are mailing lists and newsgroups discussing the latest topics in the field of fundraising. (See Mailing Lists)
bulletFor more information regarding options for establishing merchant credit card services, virtual credit card processing and shopping cart services please visit: Internet Fundraising 
bullet ebase- The site offers the interactive database for nonprofit organization for free. Keep all your organization's data -- memberships, donations, activist information -- in one place, and provide secure, easy-to-learn access to everyone who needs to use it.
bullet Unified Registration Statement Kit - Many states require nonprofits to register as a professional solicitor in order to legally solicit donations online. This "kit" helps organizations understand the process.
bulletLinks to resources available on the Internet



This site was created by Rachel A. Broom, a student at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville.  She is currently working towards her masters in public administration.  This page was last updated December 3, 2000 and is copyrighted.