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Contents of this Page:

Research Used For This Web Site

Resources Available To Nonprofits

Examples of Nonprofits Using the Internet


Research Used For This Web Site:

- This is an article published by Adam Corson-Finnerty, a consultant from Fund-Online. He discusses how he realized the internet could be used for fundraising and he recommends two books.

Web-Wise Fundraising, Part 1
- This is an outline of a presentation given by Paul G. Ventura, President of Civil Society Advocates. He presented to the New England Nonprofit Exposition in 1997.

Making Sure That the Clicks Stick
- This is an article by Holly Hall which was published in the Chronicle of Philanthropy. It discusses the success of Toys for Tots Foundation has been able to endure throughout the year via the Internet.

Socially Engaged Internet Users- This survey asked 800 adults who spend time on the Internet and who donate their time or money to charities or public-interest groups about their attitudes toward on-line giving and advocacy. The survey was commissioned by marketing and fund-raising consultants Craver, Mathews, Smith and Company, in Arlington, Va., and conducted by the Mellman Group, in Washington.

FundClass: Using the Internet in Fundraising -In 1998, Gary Grant co-authored the book Non Profit Internet Handbook, this site is an outline of the presentation Mr. Grant gave. He discussed the practical uses the internet has to offer fundraisers, grant seekers, prospect researchers, and so on. He also answers how your organization can carry its mission to the Internet.

Gilbert Center- A review of an internet fundraising seminar by Ali Woolwich. She is a San Francisco-based nonprofit fundraising consultant. She will be teaching workshops in online fundraising at the Support Center for Nonprofit Management/NDC.

Fundraising and the Internet- This article was written by Hewitt and Johnston Consultants and appeared in the September 1995 issue of the U.K. magazine, Professional Fundraising: "Fundraising and the Internet- Another Arrow in the Quiver". Discusses the fundraising opportunities that are made available with the Internet.

Internet Fundraising- Here is a list of common mistakes made by non-profits and small businesses, with a comment about how Internet marketing provides a solution. Lists advantages of the Internet and "earned income" and talks about setting up an earned income web page.

Fundraising in Cyberspace- Marc Green basically summarizes the article "Professional Fundraising" by consultant Michael Johnston which appeared in the September 1995 issue of the British journal. He also addresses direct e-mail campaigns, virtual volunteers, annual fund drives online and whether the information superhighway leads to new horizons or a dead end.

The Internet Nonprofit Center- An extensive, FAQ-like piece on different aspects of and issues relating to online fundraising.

Harvard Turns To The Web: University tests email for fundraising. This is an article by Todd Cohen and it was published in the September 2000 issue of The Non-Profit Times. This article discusses Harvard University's plan to use email and the Web to do a better job at raising money.

ERICA- This is a report on Internet fundraising by Randal Oulton. He talks about how to plan, measure and evaluate results for long-term success by using your internet program like any new business venture.

Resources Available to Nonprofits:

Fundraising ideas and guided tour. This site gives several examples of how to use Internet technology, ecommerce and affiliate programs to raise funds for your nonprofit organization.

- The site offers the interactive database for nonprofit organization for free. Keep all your organization's data -- memberships, donations, activist information -- in one place, and provide secure, easy-to-learn access to everyone who needs to use it.

Seeking Donations on the Internet - This site offers a sampling of resources for charities that want advice on the best ways to seek donations via the Internet. The samples were drawn from the 2000 edition of The Chronicle's Non-Profit Handbook.

Online Fundraising
- This is an online fundraising mailing list. The goal of the Online Fundraising Mailing List is to create a collegial environment of peers to learn from each other.

Unified Registration Statement Kit
- Many states require nonprofits to register as a professional solicitor in order to legally solicit donations online. This "kit" helps organizations understand the process.

Helping.org - AOL Foundation's philanthropy portal lets nonprofits link directly to a free online donation tool from their own Web site. This gives nonprofits who don't currently have the ability to process online donations themselves that very ability--at no charge.

Charity Village- The Charity Village in Canada is a diverse charity Internet site that has created a gifts-in-kind FLEA MARKET where it costs commercial organizations, or private citizens, $11.00 to post their products per month. It is free for charities. Canada's supersite for the nonprofit sector --- 3,000 pages of news, jobs, information and resources for executives, staffers, donors, and volunteers. If philanthropy and volunteerism are part of your world, this is your place.

Examples of Nonprofits Using the Internet:

UK Fundraising: examples of online fundraising-The links on this page offer a selection of non-profits who are using their site in some way to request donations and raise funds. The organizations are diverse, as are the methods they use.

UK Fundraising: information for charity and non-profit fundraisers - Mr. Lake keeps track of examples of online fundraising around the world, and his site has links to home pages that illustrate the phenomenon. This site is maintained by Howard Lake of the Amnesty International British Section Charitable Trust.

United Way of Greater St. Louis- This site provides animated screen-savers, personalized e-mail messages used during a campaign, videos of stories of individuals effected by United Way and more.

St. Louis Zoo- This site provides calendars of upcoming events at the zoo, information on how to become zoo members, you can adopt an animal online, you can shop at its stores online, and contact personnel through email.

FasterPastor.com- If you think small charities and organizations can't fundraise online then be inspired by the Elim Pentecostal Church on the High Road in Willesden in north west London. Reverend Paul Sinclair, has used the Web and his biking interests to raise funds and gain support from around the world.


This site was created by Rachel A. Broom, a student at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville.  She is currently working towards her masters in public administration.  This page was last updated December 3, 2000 and is copyrighted.