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Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing Papers, References, etc.

5.26.23 - CS 454 Theory of Computation - Spring 2023 quantum report

5.26.23 - CS 454 Theory of Computation - Spring 2023 quantum presentation

5.26.23 - CS 454 Theory of Computation - Spring 2023 quantum literature survey

9.9.21 Better introduction to Dirac's Bra-Ket Notation. Watch before Microsoft video.

8.27.21 Good overview video, includes Q# demo: 'Quantum Computing for Computer Scientsts' Microsoft Research 2016

8.27.21 'Overview and Comparison of Gate Level Quantum Software Platforms' Ryan LaRose 2019

8.27.21 'Density Matrix Quantum Circuit Simulation via the BSP Machine on Modern GPU Clusters' Ang Li et. al. 2020

1.1.21 First small paper submitted for CS 500 regarding quantum computing for Fall 2020 semester.