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I have done a lot of projects since I have been at SIUE. There is two that I want to talk about.

The first project I want to talk about is a project from my CMIS 270 class. In this class, I had to work with a group and come up with an information system design for a private airline charter company called Husky Air. In this project, we found ways where we could make the company more effiecient in their record keeping and built a system that helped elminate user error. We had to develop a project scope and divide up the work saying who was going to work on what and when it needed to be done by. You can view the final paper in the link below.

Final Paper

The other project I want to talk about is this one. I developed this website and made all of the different pages. The code is not sloppy and I added pictures, websites, a video, bullets that are picture, a table, and my own favicon (that I need to redo :/) to make my website more enjoyable. Through this project, I have learned the basics of css and html and how to build a proper webpage. I demonstrated use of containers and added my own style. This was a very fun project for me and I would like to work on more webpages in the future.