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About Me

I grew up in Troy, IL and went to school at Triad. I am a drummer and have been in two different bands. During my younger years, I played soccer, basketball, baseball, and football. When I made it to highschool, I switched my career over to tennis where I was all conference in the two spot on the team and won conference and sectionals at the number one doubles spot. I also went to the state tennis tournament for two of the three years I played tennis in highschool. My tennis career was carried on to playing at Lewis and Clark Community College. Now I just enjoy watching my all time favorite tennis player, Roger Fedderer, dominate the courts. Working out at the YMCA and school is my new way of getting exercise. I also enjoy playing video games, listening to music, being outdoors, and hanging out with friends in my free time when I'm not working at Walmart.

My Drumset                                                 I like Halo

My Drumset