The Fingerhut Family-

My family is incredibly important to me. People describe us as "oddly" nice to each other, and say we seem much happier than most families. I love how close we all are. My parents are a lot cooler than most. I can go to them about anything, they are basically the reason I did not go away to school, I would miss them way too much!



The picture above is from Easter. From left to right- First, is my brother Drew. He is one of the smartest kids I have ever known and he is overall the best brother I could ask for. In the center is my mom Chrissy, she is a stay at home mom and literally is super woman. She is basically everyone's mom. Next is my dad Matt, he is an actuary at RGA, and the coolest man ever. His favorite thing to do is ride in his corvette with the top off, and an afro on (not kidding). Last but not least is my cousin Abi, she doesn't live with us but she is equally important. She is the sweetest and sassiest child I have ever met.