Educational Background & Work History

I graduated early from Granite City High School in 2011. After graduation, I went to Southwestern Illinois College for a semester and then transfered to SIUE. I love it here. My expected graduation date is May 2016, and I'm considering getting my master's degree here, too.

I have had one internship so far, and I am applying for more this summer. My internship was with Incredible Events by Sports 62 Group in Roxanna Ill. I learned a lot about the logistics of event planning. I liked the people I worked with and learning about how businesses work was a great experience.

I would like for the next internship I have to be more public relations based. I hope to have at least 3 or 4 internships before graduation, preferably in different fields of PR.

I have worked at Glik's for the last three years. Glik's is a family owned clothing store. Although it may not have much to do with public relations; it does involve communication skills. We have difficult customers come in often, and I have to know how to communicate with all of them effectively.