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SIUE celebrated the tenth anniversary of the opening of the
Edwardsville campus with a convocation held on October 13, 1975.
This is a recording of a radio interview with President John Rendleman
of SIUE conducted on October 15, 1975 by Bob Hardy of KMOX in St. Louis.
John Rendleman interview, October 15, 1975


The celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the opening of the SIUE campus
took place on October 10, 1990. Representing the founding faculty, Professor Emeritus
John Ades shared his personal reflections on the formative days of the university
in an address entitled "This Other Eden".
"This Other Eden"
Read the transcript here

"SIUE Primer (circa 1975) features Elementary Education faculty members
and provides an overview of innovations teaching methods.
"SIUE Primer"

"A Place To Build a Future" (circa 1975) was designed to feature programs
offered by the SIUE School of Business.
"A Place To Build a Future"

At the insistence of Arnold Harold Maremont, wealthy Chicago industrialist and art collector, a special
supplementary planning event was held after architect Gyo Obata had been engaged to design the SIUE structures.
The EPEC (Environmental Planning/Edwardsville Campus) seminar, held in an air-supported plastic dome in East St. Louis
on June 2, 1961, included filmed commentary by several distinguished urban planners and theorists.
"EPEC Speakers"

"From A Dream To Reality", produced in 1970.
"From A Dream To Reality"

"Torch Marathon", produced 11/02/60.
"Torch Marathon"

"Commencement SWIC/SIU", produced 6/14/60.
"Commencement SWIC/SIU"

"Insights", produced circa late 1968-early 1969.
This film portrays various aspects of the campus and
the academic programs at that time.

"The Impact of Our Presence", produced in late 1969. Features an interview
with John Rendleman, who at that point was serving as Chancellor of SIUE.
It reviews Rendleman's first year of service in that role.
"The Impact of Our Presence"

"SIUE Promotional Film". The title of the promotional film was referred to at the time
as "This is SIUE" and this edition would have appeared in 1977.
"SIUE Promotional Film"

At the insistence of Arnold Harold Maremont, wealthy Chicago industrialist and art collector, a special
supplementary planning event was held after architect Gyo Obata had been engaged to design the SIUE structures.
The EPEC (Environmental Planning/Edwardsville Campus) seminar, held in an air-supported plastic dome in East St. Louis
on June 2, 1961, included filmed commentary by several distinguished urban planners and theorists.
"EPEC Speakers"


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