Get Involved with Diversity Day
Diversity Day 2022 will be an in-person event. Additionally, there will be opportunities for collaboration across the SIU System and the local community. Be thinking of presentations or topics you would like to present or learn about, and consider volunteering at Diversity Day to help the event run smoothly for all.
This event will offer opportunities for critical reflection and engagement regarding anti-racism, equity, diversity and inclusion topics. It will also include moments of cultural celebration and educational opportunities for learning. You are sure to find something that appeals to you throughout the event.
Check out #SIUEDiversityDay on social media for photos from the last in-person events and click view the presentations from Diversity Day 2021!
Register to Attend
Diversity Day is open to everyone at SIUE, everyone in the SIU system, as well as the surrounding community. Register for Diversity Day 2022
Submit a Presentation
The Diversity Day: Inclusive Excellence in Action discussion will continue at Diversity Day 2022. We encourage you to continue considering the four dimensions of SIUE's Inclusive Excellence framework:
- Access and Success
- Campus Climate
- Community Engagement
- Diversity Learning and Education
Presentations, panels and engagement sessions focused on these areas will be considered for inclusion in Diversity Day 2022.
Inclusive Excellence is a planning process intended to help each SIUE school, college department and unit establish a comprehensive and highly-coordinated set of systemic actions that focus specifically on fostering greater diversity, equity, inclusion and accountability at every level of University life. The central premise of Inclusive Excellence holds that SIUE needs to intentionally integrate its diversity efforts into the core aspects of department and unit goals, including academic priorities, leadership, quality improvement initiatives, decision-making, day-to day operations and organizational cultures, in order to maximize success (2018-2025 SIUE Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan, 13).
The Inclusive Excellence framework adopted by SIUE and promoted by the Division of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is an adapted version of the inclusive excellence framework conceptualized by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U).
The core principles of Inclusive Excellence are diversity, inclusion, equity and equity-mindedness.
AAC&U defines these terms as follows:
- Diversity: Individual differences (e.g., personality, prior knowledge and life experiences) and group/social differences (e.g., race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation, country of origin and ability as well as cultural, political, religious or other affiliations)
- Inclusion: The active, intentional, and ongoing engagement with diversity—in the curriculum, in the co-curriculum and in communities (intellectual, social, cultural, geographical) with which individuals might connect—in ways that increase awareness, content knowledge, cognitive sophistication and empathic understanding of the complex ways individuals interact within systems and institutions
- Equity: The creation of opportunities for historically underserved populations to have equal access to and participate in educational programs that are capable of closing the achievement gaps in student success and completion
- Equity-Mindedness: The term 'Equity-Mindedness' refers to the perspective or mode of thinking exhibited by practitioners who call attention to patterns of inequity in student outcomes. These practitioners are willing to take personal and institutional responsibility for the success of their students, and critically reassess their own practices. It also requires that practitioners are race-conscious and aware of the social and historical context of exclusionary practices in American Higher Education." (Center for Urban Education, University of Southern California)
The four dimensions of SIUE’s Inclusive Excellence Framework are:
- Access and Success (Students, Faculty and Staff): Attentiveness to the demographic diversity of the University and ensuring equitable opportunities for all faculty, staff and students to succeed.
- Campus Climate: Commitment to creating a campus community where all are embraced, honored and valued.
- Diversity Learning and Education: The intentional incorporation of diversity into the curriculum and active engagement with diversity for fostering student learning and development; and support for faculty, staff and administrators in acquiring knowledge and developing skills needed to approach their work with cultural competence, cultural humility and an equity mindset.
- Community Engagement: Considers the role of the University in addressing systemic inequality and improving outcomes for underserved populations in surrounding communities.
This year accepted proposals will follow at least one of the four dimensions of Inclusive Excellence at SIUE: (1) Access and Success; (2) Campus Climate; (3) Diversity Learning and Education; (4) Community Engagement. Members of the University community should keep these tracks in mind when preparing their submissions. Proposals should also communicate the way the session or Ed Talk content is grounded in one or more of the core principles of inclusive excellence.
Session Formats
SIUE Ed Talks (10-15 minutes; 1-2 presenters)
These sessions will feature “untested” strategies that are still exploratory in nature but show great promise for advancing inclusive excellence. Selection criteria for this session type does not require evidence of effectiveness. However, the proposal should provide a very detailed description of the idea or innovation to be presented, as well as the context in which it is expected to be successful.
Facilitated Discussions: (60 minutes; 1-4 facilitators)
Facilitated discussions provide an opportunity for attendees to examine inclusive excellence topics of similar interest. Facilitators are expected to assist participants in examining new ways of thinking about inclusive excellence, anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion and the specific strategies that are needed for moving forward as a campus community.
Proposals for facilitated discussions should explain the overall context surrounding the anticipated discussion, as related to the conference theme, and clearly identify the intended audience. Proposals for facilitated discussions should also reflect the capacity to generate new ideas and questions from participants as a means of making the session stimulating and meaningful for all involved.
Workshops and Panels (60 minutes each; 2-4 facilitators)
Workshops and panels are designed to provide a highly interactive environment for conference attendees to deeply examine, explore and/or experience the relevant theories and implementation strategies that can contribute to advancing the inclusive excellence, anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion conversation. Workshops are expected to engage conference attendees in reflection, dialogue and interactive design work related to the development of inclusive excellence, anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion practices.
Proposals for workshops and panels must provide details about the scholarship that will inform the session topic and the approach to participant engagement. Proposed sessions that are designed to model high-impact practices, such as small-group collaboration and experiential learning, will be given priority for presentation.
The deadline for proposal submission is September 9, 2022. All proposals will be reviewed by a sub-committee of the Diversity Day 2022 Committee. The primary session presenter will receive notice via email of the decision regarding the proposal on or about September 16, 2022. Proposal Submission Form
Become a Volunteer
We are always looking for Diversity Day volunteers to help direct people, answer questions, serve as session moderators and more!
Additionally, volunteer service on Diversity Day may count toward community service hours for Greek or student organizations. Check with your organization for details. Diversity Day Volunteer Sign Up
Become a Sponsor
Diversity Day is a University, System and community-wide effort. We are always looking for interested schools, departments, or local organizations and businesses to sponsor Diversity Day events and initiatives.
Sponsors are recognized by signage at the event and listed in the Diversity Day program materials. If you would like to contribute to Diversity Day, please contact Lindy Wagner at or 618-650-3180.