Frequently Asked Questions
For frequently asked questions regarding Payroll, Benefits, Employment, Ethics, Testing, and other areas of Human Resources.
Select from the following...
Name | Group | Subgroup | Recent | Tags | |
Will time be provided during work hours to complete the training? | ethics-training|uncategorized | ethics-training|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Will the vendors change under the plan? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-approved-vendorstransfers | |
Will I or my children be eligible for the tuition waiver once I retire from SIUE? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Will I need to complete a Salary Deferral Authorization Form every year? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
Will I be able to receive my Form 1095C through CougarNet, like my Form W-2? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
Will holidays be counted against FMLA? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
Why was Part 3 of my Form 1095C left blank? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
Why is it important to submit my forms and documents to payroll? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
Why is Administrative Closure different than Inclement Weather? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Why have the investment vendors changed in the Plan in the past few years? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-approved-vendorstransfers | |
Why do I see leave codes with no balances? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | vacation-sick-leave | |
Why do I see a charge for "NRA" tax on my Student Account? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
Why do I have to prepare a time sheet? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Why does the university have to sign my 403b transactions? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-generaleligibility | |
Why does the time sheet have to be recorded in hours and not just days? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Why doesn't my last pay stub of the calendar year match the total wages information on my W-2? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | w2-electronic | |
Why can't I sign up later during the year? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
Why can't I opt out of salary deferral or stop during the year? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
Why are there so many different types of sick leave rules and types? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Why are my vacation and sick leave balances and accruals no longer on my timecards? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | vacation-sick-leave | |
Why are graduate level tuition waivers taxable? | taxable-benefit|uncategorized | taxable-benefit|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Why am I being taxed on my tuition waiver? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
Who should I contact if there is an error on my Payroll Certification regarding benefit entries? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
Who should I contact if there is an error on my Payroll Certification? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
Who should I contact if I have specific questions? | taxable-benefit|uncategorized | taxable-benefit|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Who should I contact if I have any questions? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
Who should I contact if I have additional questions regarding the tuition waiver policy? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Who is the point of contact should I have additional questions regarding the SIUE Identity-Protection Policy? | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Who is eligible to participate? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
Who is eligible for a premium tax credit? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
Who is considered a dependent for ACA purposes? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
Who is an “affected annuitant"? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-retirees-returning-to-work | |
Who is a "Nonresident Alien and "Resident Alien" for tax purposes? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
Who has access to a Social Security Number (SSN) at SIUE? | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Who can I contact if I need help or I am not earning the correct leave type or time? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | vacation-sick-leave | |
Who can I contact for more information on the ACA? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
Who can access my information through The Work Number? | employment-verification|uncategorized | employment-verification|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Which vendors can I invest with and what choices do I have with those vendors? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-approved-vendorstransfers | |
Which states have a Reciprocity agreement with Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan and Wisconsin? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | missouri-w4 | |
Which State of Illinois universities participate in the waiver for my qualified dependents? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Which leaves are payable when I terminate or retire? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | vacation-sick-leave | |
Which fringe benefits can be charged to a grant account and when are they charged? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
Where should I submit my Salary Deferral Authorization Form or Salary Deferral Revocation Form? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
Where do I submit these forms? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | missouri-w4 | |
Where can I view/print my pay statement? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | pay-statements-banner-selfservice-cougarnet | |
Where can I see the payroll calendar and cutoff dates? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
Where can I see a list of all the different kinds of earning codes used by Payroll? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
Where can I find our more information about using my leave time? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | vacation-sick-leave | |
Where can I find more information about this Plan? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-generaleligibility | |
Where can I find more information about St Louis City Tax and Earnings? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | missouri-w4 | |
Where can I find more information about Missouri State Tax and withholding? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | missouri-w4 | |
Where can I find information on maternity or paternity leave? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | maternitypaternity-leave | |
Where can I find information about nonresident alien taxation? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
Where are salary time sheets stored? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Where are my vacation and/or sick leave balances? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
When will the funds be in my account? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | direct-deposit | |
When will the electronic W-2 be available on Banner Self-Service (CougarNet)? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | w2-electronic | |
When will I receive my 1095C from SIUE? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
When will I be able to see the current pay period statement? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | pay-statements-banner-selfservice-cougarnet | |
When estimating future financial impact of the 6% rules, what are key considerations? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-6-bills | |
When do I have to submit FMLA paperwork if I am ill or sick? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
When does Salary Deferral begin? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
When does an employee become eligible for a tuition waiver? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
When are the Payroll Certifications available, how will I know mine are ready, and why can't I see all my accounts? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
When are taxes withheld for the salary deferred amount? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
When are retro-active changes processed? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
When am I required to complete the annual on-line training? | ethics-training|uncategorized | ethics-training|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
What types of funds are taxable? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
What types of documentation are acceptable to verify eligibility for VESSA leave? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | victims-economic-security-and-safety-act-vessa | |
What type of income is reported? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
What time period is used in calculating the final rate of earnings for an employee? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-6-bills | |
What qualifies for an approved VESSA leave? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | victims-economic-security-and-safety-act-vessa | |
What procedures are followed upon the death of an active University employee? | general|uncategorized | general|uncategorized | 2021 | death-of-an-active-university-employee | |
What percentage is the St Louis Earnings Tax? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | missouri-w4 | |
What occurs when the university receives a SURS 6% bill? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-6-bills | |
What is VESSA? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | victims-economic-security-and-safety-act-vessa | |
What is the State Lapse Period? When is the lapse period? How will these entries appear on the Payroll Certifications? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
What is the St. Louis City Earnings Tax and why do I have to pay it? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | missouri-w4 | |
What is the process for completing a Form I-9? | employment|uncategorized | employment|uncategorized | 2021 | the-form-i9 | |
What is the key determinant of whether compensation is subject to SURS withholding? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-6-bills | |
What is the impact of the 20% rule on the 6% calculation? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-6-bills | |
What is the difference between the deferred compensation plan 457(b) and a tax sheltered annuity 403(b)? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | deferred-compensation-457b | |
What is the difference between forms W-2 and 1042-S? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
What is the difference between a Foreign National and a Nonresident Alien? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
What is the contact information for The Work Number? | employment-verification|uncategorized | employment-verification|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
What is SURS Return to Work – Illinois Public Act 97-0968? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-retirees-returning-to-work | |
What is Salary Deferral? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
What is Reciprocity? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | missouri-w4 | |
What is my University ID # and where can I find it? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
What is my logon id? | ethics-training|uncategorized | ethics-training|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
What is FMLA? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
What is a SURS 6% bill? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-6-bills | |
What is a Qualifying Life Event? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
What is a Premium tax credit? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
What is a Payroll Certification? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
What is an Illinois W-4 Personal Withholding Allowance Form and how do I complete it? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | illinois-w4 | |
What is an electronic W-2? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | w2-electronic | |
What is an absence with pay/temporary leave day? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
What is an absence without pay? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
What is a leave category? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | vacation-sick-leave | |
What is a Form 1095C and what should I do with it? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
What is Affordable Coverage? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
What is a Federal W-4 Personal Withholding Allowance Form and how do I complete it? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | federal-w4 | |
What is a Civil Service position audit? | employment|uncategorized | employment|uncategorized | 2021 | job-audits | |
What is a "W-4"? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
What is a "1042-S"? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
What information does the online pay statement include? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | pay-statements-banner-selfservice-cougarnet | |
What if the department forgot to send a Termination form by payroll cutoff and an employee on the Payroll Certification is going to be overpaid? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
What if I need a printed copy of my pay statement? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | pay-statements-banner-selfservice-cougarnet | |
What if I have questions about my vacation or sick leave? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
What if I don't want to take FMLA, but I'm eligible? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
What if I disagree with the information the person requesting my employment verification has received? | employment-verification|uncategorized | employment-verification|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
What if I change my mind, can I get my money back? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-generaleligibility | |
What if I become department chair or assume a 12-month position? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
What if employees are missing from my Payroll Certification? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
What if an employee terminates before the end of the pay period? What do I do? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
What if an employee puts in more than 7.5 hours in a day, or works apitional time at night or on weekends? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
What happens with my time sheet after I sign it? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
What happens when my contract ends at the end of the academic year? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
What happens when I dispute a Payroll Certification? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
What happens to the taxes that are withheld? | taxable-benefit|uncategorized | taxable-benefit|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
What happens to the taxes that are withheld? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
What happens if my direct deposit was not received because my account had been closed? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | direct-deposit | |
What happens if I terminate and I'm not 59 1/2 yet? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-generaleligibility | |
What happens if I run out of FMLA? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
What happens if I retire or resign before the end of the defer pay schedule? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
What happens if I go on an unpaid leave? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
What happens if I get an employee or dependent waiver and terminate my employment with the university after receiving the waiver? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
What happens if I don't complete my ethics training? | ethics-training|uncategorized | ethics-training|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
What happens if a SURS annuitant accepts employment at another SURS institution while also working at SIUE? (Includes example of working concurrently at two SURS covered employers) | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-retirees-returning-to-work | |
What happened to the Tax Sheltered Annuities (TSA) 403(b) plan? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-generaleligibility | |
What do I need to do when it's time to return to work after my FMLA leave? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
What do I do if my pay or deductions seem incorrect? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | pay-statements-banner-selfservice-cougarnet | |
What do I do if I want to change my investment choices with my vendor? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-approved-vendorstransfers | |
What do I do if I need to set up a delegate to review Payroll Certifications in my absence? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
What do I do if I am injured on the job? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | workers-comp | |
What does the employee tuition waiver cover? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
What does NRA mean? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
What does it mean to "accrue" leave? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | vacation-sick-leave | |
What does it mean for a health plan to offer minimum essential coverage? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
What does it mean for a health plan to be minimum value? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
What does "years of service" mean and how can I find out mine? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | vacation-sick-leave | |
What documents are required to change my name with SURS and CMS/MyBenefits Marketplace? | general|uncategorized | general|uncategorized | 2021 | personal-information-changes | |
What different types of leave time are there? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | vacation-sick-leave | |
What constitutes a break in employment? | employment|uncategorized | employment|uncategorized | 2021 | the-form-i9 | |
What can I expect from a Civil Service position audit? | employment|uncategorized | employment|uncategorized | 2021 | job-audits | |
What are the pay dates? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | general-questions | |
What are the consequences of hiring an affected annuitant? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-retirees-returning-to-work | |
What are the benefits of receiving my W-2 this way? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | w2-electronic | |
What are the advantages of direct deposit? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | direct-deposit | |
What are my current withholdings in the Banner HR system? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | federal-w4|illinois-w4 | |
What are considerations when negotiating termination or retirement agreements with individuals? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-6-bills | |
We are adopting a baby and need to leave the Country for the arrangements. Does FMLA cover my absence? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
The tuition waiver does not come in the form of a payment to me. How will the withholding be made? | taxable-benefit|uncategorized | taxable-benefit|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
My child is covered on my health insurance through SIUE, but he files his own tax return. Does he need his own Form 1095C? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
My check is mailed to my home but I have not received it yet. My check was mailed to the wrong address. I lost my check. | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | general-questions | |
My check got wet or damaged and my bank refuses to cash it. I forgot to cash a check and it's over 6 months old and my bank will not cash it. | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | general-questions | |
May I use my bank's direct deposit form to sign up for this at SIUE? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | direct-deposit | |
May I elect to have part of my pay direct deposited and receive a check for the remainder? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | direct-deposit | |
May I choose to have my pay direct deposited into multiple accounts? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | direct-deposit | |
I would like to overpay my taxes so I get a larger refund. Can I claim fewer exemptions on my W-4 than are shown when I use the Personal Allowance Worksheet (contained in the IRS Instructions)? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | federal-w4 | |
I work in both Missouri and Illinois, what withholding forms do I need to complete? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | missouri-w4 | |
I worked for SIUE last year, but I was out on Workman’s Comp and paid by Temporary Total Disability (TTD) for several months. Will my Form 1095C cover the months I was out on TTD? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
I worked for SIUE last year, but I was out on disability for several months. Will my 1095C Form cover the months I was out on disability? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
I worked at a different employer last year before I began working for SIUE and was covered under their health insurance plan, should I receive a Form 1095C from that plan as well? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
I was on sabbatical while the annual ethics training was taking place. Do I still need to complete the ethics training? | ethics-training|uncategorized | ethics-training|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
I was on leave while the annual ethics training was taking place. Do I still need to complete the ethics training? | ethics-training|uncategorized | ethics-training|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
I was offered health insurance coverage from the university but declined coverage because I'm covered under another plan. Will I receive a Form 1095C from SIUE? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
I want to close my bank account, and I have direct deposit. When should I notify Payroll of this change? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | direct-deposit | |
I terminated my employment with the university last year. Will I receive a Form 1095C? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
Is VESSA a paid leave? If not, how do I remain in pay status? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | victims-economic-security-and-safety-act-vessa | |
Is this information reported to anyone else? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
Is The Work Number available 24 hours a day for me to obtain an employment verification? | employment-verification|uncategorized | employment-verification|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Is there a waiver for my children and what is the age and credit hour limit? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Is there a tuition waiver for my spouse or domestic partner? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Is there a tuition waiver application deadline? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Is there a tax treaty between my country and the US? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
Is there a sunset date for earnings exclusions? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-6-bills | |
Is there a fee? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
Is SIUE required to offer health coverage to my spouse and dependents? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
Is overtime considered in the 6% earnings increase calculation? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-6-bills | |
I signed the paper form of the ethics orientation when I was hired. Am I required to take the on-line testing and why? | ethics-training|uncategorized | ethics-training|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
I sent a Civil Service Appointment Change Form for an employee but I don't see the changes to my labor accounts, when will they appear? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
I received a pay-certification e-mail for my regular Payroll Certification report and a pay-certification e-mail for a Redistribution Certification. | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
I have questions about the information on my Form 1095C. Who should I contact? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
I have lost or accidentally destroyed my Form 1095C. How do I get a new one? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
I have employees who defer pay, how is their pay charged to the labor account(s)? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
I have employees partially funded by a grant account, but I can't see all of their pay? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
I have been employed at various State of Illinois universities, but I do not have seven years of employment history at any one university. Do I still qualify for the dependent waiver? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
I had insurance coverage from my previous employer before I started working for SIUE last year, however, no one mailed a Form 1095C for this time. What should I do? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
If the rehired retiree accrues vacation, will a vacation payout contribute to their earnings at termination and possibly cause the retiree to become an affected annuitant? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-retirees-returning-to-work | |
If I work overtime, can this be recorded as Compensatory (Comp) time earned instead? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
If I work 50% of my job in Missouri and 50% of my job in Illinois during the year, how will my pay be taxed by each state? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | missouri-w4 | |
If I sign up for direct deposit, how long will I have to wait for direct deposit to begin? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | direct-deposit | |
If I qualify for State Insurance coverage but declined to participate in the past can I enroll now? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
If I live in Illinois and work fulltime in Missouri, which state tax is withheld from my pay? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | missouri-w4 | |
If I live in Illinois and work fulltime in Missouri, which state tax do I file my annual return with? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | missouri-w4 | |
If I experience a name change, what do I need to do to update my Benefits? | general|uncategorized | general|uncategorized | 2021 | personal-information-changes | |
If I elect to receive my W-2 electronically, can I change my mind? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | w2-electronic | |
If I elect to defer pay, how will this affect my benefit deductions? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
If I do not approve or dispute a Payroll Certification, what will happen? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
If I currently direct deposit and I want to add another bank, what do I do? What if it's the same bank but another account? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | direct-deposit | |
If I am exempt per a treaty, why is a W-4 also required? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
If I am eligible for VESSA leave, does that mean that I am also eligible for FMLA leave? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | victims-economic-security-and-safety-act-vessa | |
If I am a former employee, can I still use this service for employment verifications? | employment-verification|uncategorized | employment-verification|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
If I am a current Graduate Assistant or Student Worker, am I eligible to use The Work Number? | employment-verification|uncategorized | employment-verification|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
If an employee has a dual appointment, who should sign and retain the time sheet? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
If an employee claims more than 10 exemptions on their Form W-4, does the employer have to report this to the IRS? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | federal-w4 | |
If a department wants to hire someone who will become an affected annuitant or who is already an affected annuitant, who should the department talk to? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-retirees-returning-to-work | |
I did not receive a Form 1095C, but I believe I should have. What should I do? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
I didn't work for some months last year, I was in between jobs. I purchased COBRA insurance from my previous employers health care provider. Should I receive a Form 1095C and who will be mailing it? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
I didn't receive a statement from my investment vendor, what do I do? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-approved-vendorstransfers | |
I didn't have insurance coverage for some months last year because I was in between jobs. What's going to happen to me? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
I am paid on the 16th and the last business day of the month. If the 16th falls on a holiday or a weekend, when would I be paid? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | general-questions | |
I am not that great with computers. Will someone help me complete the training? | ethics-training|uncategorized | ethics-training|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
I am not State Insurance or Reliance Standard Insurance eligible, will I still receive a Form 1095C from SIUE? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
I am a University employee, but my name does not appear on the list to complete the ethics training - What should I do? | ethics-training|uncategorized | ethics-training|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
I am a student worker or graduate assistant and have taken the on-line training in the past. Am I required to take the on-line training? | ethics-training|uncategorized | ethics-training|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
I am a student and I should have received a check on payday, but I did not have a check at the Bursar Office. What do I do? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | general-questions | |
I am a SIUE employee who is not eligible for State Insurance health coverage. How does the ACA affect me? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
I am a SIUE employee who is eligible for State Insurance health coverage. How does the ACA affect me? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
I am a retiree and I’m confused by the personal limitation and the 40% annual earnings limitation. Please explain. | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-retirees-returning-to-work | |
I am a resident of Illinois and work in Missouri. What forms do I use to report my Missouri source income? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | missouri-w4 | |
I am a NRA, do I need to complete a state W-4? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | federal-w4|illinois-w4 | |
I am a non-Resident alien, can I make changes to my W-4? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | federal-w4 | |
I am an exempt employee, can I earn Overtime? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
I am a new employee, student worker or graduate assistant. How do I access the paper ethics training document? | ethics-training|uncategorized | ethics-training|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
I am a full-time college student; can I claim exemption from withholding on my Form W-4? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | federal-w4 | |
I am a Civil Service employee. May I use the waiver at any other State of Illinois university? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
I am a Beneficiary for a participant who has died, what do I do? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-generaleligibility | |
I also received a Form 1095B from Central Management Services (CMS) or Reliance Standard Insurance. What is this form and what do I do with it? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
I accidentally disputed a certification but cannot change the dispute to approve, what should I do? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
How will vacation and sick leave buyouts at termination/retirement? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-6-bills | |
How will this affect my taxes? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
How will campus departments know the maximum earnings that a rehired retiree can earn to avoid making them into an affected annuitant? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-retirees-returning-to-work | |
How will any summer or overload assignments affect my salary deferral? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
How quickly will the person requesting my employment verification receive it? | employment-verification|uncategorized | employment-verification|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
How often does the Form 8233 need to be filed? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | nra | |
How much will be taken out of my paycheck? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
How much notice in advance must an employee give the employer when requesting VESSA leave? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | victims-economic-security-and-safety-act-vessa | |
How much money is in my SURS account? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-general | |
How much is the withholding? | taxable-benefit|uncategorized | taxable-benefit|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
How much are fees? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
How may I decline State Insurance coverage? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
How long should I maintain and store records, employment applications/documents used during the hiring process? | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
How long may I keep a dependent child on my SIUE insurance? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
How long does an annuitant remain affected by this Return to Work Act? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-retirees-returning-to-work | |
How long are Payroll Certifications available to approve or dispute? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
How is my employment status affected while I am off work on approved VESSA leave? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | victims-economic-security-and-safety-act-vessa | |
How frequently must ethics training be completed? | ethics-training|uncategorized | ethics-training|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
How early do I need to advise my department or HR that I will be on medical leave? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
How do I select an electronic W-2? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | w2-electronic | |
How do I request a Civil Service position audit? | employment|uncategorized | employment|uncategorized | 2021 | job-audits | |
How do I receive the protections of FMLA? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
How do I protect/store documents that contain an individual's SSN? | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
How do I obtain proof of employment and wage information? | employment-verification|uncategorized | employment-verification|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
How do I obtain proof of employment? | employment-verification|uncategorized | employment-verification|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
How do I make changes to my current Illinois withholdings? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | illinois-w4 | |
How do I make changes to my current Federal W-4 withholdings? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | federal-w4 | |
How do I log in to the annual online Ethics Training for University Employees? | ethics-training|uncategorized | ethics-training|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
How do I get started with an investment vendor? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-approved-vendorstransfers | |
How do I get a Premium tax credit? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
How do I find if my work location is within the city limits? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | missouri-w4 | |
How do I enroll in direct deposit? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | direct-deposit | |
How do I enroll/change/revoke my Deferred Compensation (457) supplemental retirement plan? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | deferred-compensation-457b | |
How do I earn leave time? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | vacation-sick-leave | |
How do I cancel direct deposit for one or more accounts? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | direct-deposit | |
How do I apply for VESSA leave? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | victims-economic-security-and-safety-act-vessa | |
How do I apply for FMLA? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
How does this benefit me? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
How does SURS know that SIUE hired a SURS annuitant? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-retirees-returning-to-work | |
How does intermittent leave work for VESSA? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | victims-economic-security-and-safety-act-vessa | |
How do changes in FTE, workload, or job responsibilities impact the 6% earnings increase calculation? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-6-bills | |
How can I see my leave accruals and balances? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | vacation-sick-leave | |
How can I see how much has been deposited? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | direct-deposit | |
How can I fill out the form for maternity when I don't know the date of the birth yet? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
How can I contact an investment vendor to obtain a prospectus? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-approved-vendorstransfers | |
How can I change my personal address and phone number? | general|uncategorized | general|uncategorized | 2021 | personal-information-changes | |
How can I change my personal address and phone number? | general|uncategorized | general|uncategorized | 2021 | personal-information-changes | |
How can I change my marital status? | general|uncategorized | general|uncategorized | 2021 | personal-information-changes | |
How can I change my legal name and/or Social Security number? | general|uncategorized | general|uncategorized | 2021 | personal-information-changes | |
How can I best estimate or avoid potential future 6% SURS liabilities? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-6-bills | |
How are earnings defined under Section 40 ILCS 5/15-111? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-6-bills | |
How and when will I receive the Form 1095C? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
For highly paid staff, do all earnings count toward the benefit increase calculation? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-6-bills | |
Do you have an example of the calculation? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
Do I receive separate Payroll Certifications for Bi-weekly, Faculty and Semi-monthly payrolls? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
Do I need to use a specific web browser to complete the training? | ethics-training|uncategorized | ethics-training|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Do I have to report the same number of exemptions on my tax return as I enter on my W-4? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | federal-w4 | |
Do I have to complete the appropriate tuition waiver form(s) each semester? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Does this mean I don't need to worry about updating my apress? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | w2-electronic | |
Does the university match contributions under this Plan? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-generaleligibility | |
Does the SURS reporting period run the same as SIUE’s fiscal year? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-retirees-returning-to-work | |
Does the Office of Human Resources require a copy of my certificate proving I did the on-line ethics training? | ethics-training|uncategorized | ethics-training|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Does the employee tuition waiver cover tuition for any other university or community college? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Does the employee tuition waiver cover graduate courses? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Does the dependent waiver cover foster children, legal guardianship, adopted or step children, and/or grandchildren? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Does SIUE offer coverage to spouses and dependents of employees? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
Does FMLA add extra sick days or vacation days to my existing balance? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
Does an employee's time sheet have to reconcile to their absence request forms? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Does an employee's leave time have to reconcile to their Banner leave records? | timesheets|uncategorized | timesheets|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Can VESSA leave and FMLA run concurrently? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | victims-economic-security-and-safety-act-vessa | |
Can my employer take out taxes if a Form W-4 was never filed? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | federal-w4 | |
Can I view pay statements from prior pay periods? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | pay-statements-banner-selfservice-cougarnet | |
Can I view an example of the information the person requesting verification will receive about my work history at SIUE? | employment-verification|uncategorized | employment-verification|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Can I use FMLA for a sibling or a member of my family who doesn't live in my household? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
Can I use a letter from a medical provider instead of the medical certification required? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
Can I talk with someone at SIUE about investment advice? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-approved-vendorstransfers | |
Can I publicly display or post an individual's Social Security Number (SSN)? | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Can I make changes to my e-mail account? | general|uncategorized | general|uncategorized | 2021 | personal-information-changes | |
Can I get Form 1095B from Banner electronically like the W-2? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | 1095c | |
Can I elect direct deposit to a savings account? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | direct-deposit | |
Can I defer a greater amount of my pay? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | salary-deferral | |
Can I collect disability while on FMLA leave? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
Can I apply for FMLA to care for my domestic partner? | leaves|uncategorized | leaves|uncategorized | 2021 | fmla | |
Can a person who doesn’t retire from SURS but instead takes a Separation Refund upon termination become an affected annuitant? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-retirees-returning-to-work | |
Can a minor be a Beneficiary of this Plan? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-generaleligibility | |
Can a manual check be requested to pay an employee? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
Can a Manual Check be direct deposited? | payroll|uncategorized | payroll|uncategorized | 2021 | payroll-certifications | |
Can all SURS retirees become affected annuitants? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-retirees-returning-to-work | |
Can all employees participate in the Plan? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | supplemental-retirement-plan-generaleligibility | |
As an employee of SIUE, what must I tell an individual when requesting their SSN? | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
As an employee of SIUE, what must I do if a document is requested, that displays an individual's SSN, and is requested by an outside agency? | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
As an employee of SIUE, can I receive/request a SSN from anyone other than the individual to whom it is assigned? | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
As an employee of SIUE, can I disclose a SSN to a contractor or subcontractor? | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
As an employee of SIUE, can I ask, or send an individual's SSN over the internet? | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | identity-protection-policy|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Are undergraduate-level courses, taken by a graduate student, counted toward the graduate level $5,250 annual exclusion? | taxable-benefit|uncategorized | taxable-benefit|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Are there forms to complete to receive the employee or dependent waiver? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Are there any graduate level waivers that are excluded from taxation? | taxable-benefit|uncategorized | taxable-benefit|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Are there any exceptions to this rule? | retirement|uncategorized | retirement|uncategorized | 2021 | surs-retirees-returning-to-work | |
Are there any academic programs not covered by the waiver for the employee or dependent children? | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | tuition-waivers|uncategorized | 2021 | ||
Are employees who waive payment required to complete the I-9? | employment|uncategorized | employment|uncategorized | 2021 | the-form-i9 | |
Am I required to purchase health insurance for my spouse and dependents? | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | patient-protection-affordable-care-act|uncategorized | 2021 | overview | |
Am I exempt from federal taxes if I am a full-time student? | payroll-documents|uncategorized | payroll-documents|uncategorized | 2021 | federal-w4 |