Register for a Sustained Dialogue Group
How can I participate in Sustained Dialogue?
Our campus provides multiple opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to access the Sustained Dialogue Institute offerings. The Sustained Dialogue Institute aims to support campuses in creating a culture of care. This is done through their unique and specifically structure dialogues that are sustained over time. Sustained Dialogue (SD) brings together students (and sometimes faculty and staff) who would not usually cross paths to talk about issues they might shy away from. It creates the right setting for open exchanges. These open exchanges are 8-10 week moderated dialogue groups facilitated by SD trained moderators. The ongoing conversations help to deepen participant understanding over time, making them truly “sustained.” Any topic can be discussed as long as all participants agree to humanize one another and engage in thoughtful reflection on relationships, communities, and ways to move towards action on campus.
Dialogue groups will begin in spring 2025. If you are interested in being a participant, sign up now and you will be contacted when dates, times, and topics of engagement are finalized!