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Apply to SIUE

Applied Communication Studies



In addition to graduate school admission requirements (Found at, the following department-specific requirements apply:

  • Applicants must have an undergraduate grade point average of at least 2.75.
  • Applicants must submit a typed statement (approximately 500 words) about the academic and professional goals they plan to attain through their work in the graduate program.
  • Applicants must have two letters of recommendation submitted on their behalf.
  • Applicants who do not have an undergraduate major in speech communication will be required, if admitted to the program, to demonstrate a knowledge of basic communication theory before enrolling in any 500-level classes.*

*This demonstration of proficiency may be accomplished by completing, with a grade of “B” or better ACS 330 (Theories of Communication) or a proficiency examination based upon the content of that undergraduate course. The option to take the proficiency test is at the discretion of the Graduate Program Director and is based on the applicant’s prior coursework and GPA. Please contact the Department of Speech Communication for information about the proficiency examination availability and procedures.


All Graduate School forms and submission materials are due April 1 in order for the applicant to be considered for admission. This is the deadline for both summer and fall enrollment. All materials must be received by this deadline in order for the applicant to be considered for admission. Getting materials in later than this will delay admission to the program. Since 2012, students have only been accepted for enrollment in the summer or fall sessions.

Note: If the student is new and intends to apply for a Competitive Graduate Award (CGA), the deadline for having all of application materials turned in moves up to January. If the student applies for the CGA but the SIUE application is incomplete, the application for the Competitive Graduate Award will be removed from consideration.

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