How is World Vision helping refugees and others afected by the crisis?
"Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, World Vision has helped more than 2 million people in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq. We also provide aid in Serbia to refugees fleeing to Europe.
- Syria: food aid, hygiene support, health assistance, and water and sanitation
- Iraq: food aid, health services, water and sanitation, and children’s programming
- ordan and Lebanon: personal and household supplies, clean water and sanitation, education support, Child-Friendly Spaces Serbia: basic necessities, including cold-weather gear for refugees traveling to Europe; Child-Friendly Spaces and rest areas for women and babie -
- ordan and Lebanon: personal and household supplies, clean water and sanitation, education support, Child-Friendly Spaces
- Serbia: basic necessities, including cold-weather gear for refugees traveling to Europe; Child-Friendly Spaces and rest areas for women and babie
- ordan and Lebanon: personal and household supplies, clean water and sanitation, education support, Child-Friendly Spaces
- Serbia: basic necessities, including cold-weather gear for refugees traveling to Europe; Child-Friendly Spaces and rest areas for women and babie," according to resources
Note: all the information provides in this website is taken form World Vision website.