Absolute Novice
I think I’m starting to get the hang of this! I may have to change the title of this site if I can manage to create a few more web pages.
Hmm…what can I come up with next? Let’s see: I’ve introduced you to the websites where I spend most of my time…some of the authors I’m diggin’…oh, I know!
I cannot forsake my first love: JESUS! I know, I know! I may take a little heat for this but I DON’T CARE—take it up with my Master. I won’t let you all into my life without giving you the breadth of why I live, move and have my being.
I won’t preach but I could write about some miracles that have occurred in my life, which is why I’m still here! Let me introduce some further resources for those of you who hunger and thirst after righteousness (If this does not apply to you, another page is forthcoming):
This was the first website I found to help me understand some of the lexicon and figurative language found in the Bible. The commentaries are excellent! They read like a dissertation but they are helpful for understanding that is more thorough.
I recently found this website that offers so many resources to studying God’s Word. All of the resources available are free.
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