Absolute Novice

Here we are! We’ve made it to the second page—so far so good! Let’s hope I can keep this up.

I have many interests but the ones most prevalent are reading and writing. I love books! I have hundreds of them: in storage, in my room and on order (on-line, of course!). The following are some of the websites I frequent when I’m studying…writing…reading…PROCRASTINATING:


Keeping It Breezy!

Purdue University offers an excellent website for students, teachers and laypeople when writing professionally and academically. Check it out! It’s almost an exhaustive resource for writing.

My two latest authors to read are Colson Whitehead (Thanks Dr. Rambsy!) and Walter Mosley. These guys are deep!

Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville is no slouch when it comes to research. Its Lovejoy Library, offers online access to e-journals and library listings for the novice and expert researcher.

I plan to become a freelance writer sometime before I die. Absolute Write has an online forum for those who want to freelance write in any genre.

Another great resource for reading and writing purposes is Bartleby.com. Here, one can access literature and reference guides.

I am a hair fanatic! My family has coined me "The Hair Police". The ladies at Long Hair Care Forum (LHCF), help me keep my tresses in tact and growing.

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