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Introduction and Task Page

Pluripotent stem cells
Photo Credit: http://www.amyshah.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/pluripotent-stem-cells.jpg


Embryonic stem cell research has been in the news frequently in recent years.  Several states, including California, Missouri, Michigan, North Dakota and others have had ballot issues regarding banning and/or funding of embryonic stem cell research.  President Obama overturned President Bush’s ban on federal funding on research on new strains of embryonic stem cells, but that ban has been held up in the courts until very recently, and the case has not been completely settled yet.  It is a very "hot-button" issue for many people, but do they really understand the issues?  Are they forming their opinions based on facts?  Your job as scientists, as outlined in the task below, is to help inform the public of the facts involved in this issue.

The Task

The Voting Information Project has asked a panel of experts to present findings on stem cell research to inform the public before an upcoming ballot issue banning state funding for embryonic stem cell research.  You will work with your assigned team of three.  One of you will assume the role of Neurologist, one of a Medical Ethicist and one of a Geneticist.  You will gather facts from each of these perspectives and develop and present your findings at a public forum.  You are not to argue pro or con, but to present facts that will shed light on the issue and help people make an informed vote on election day.


  1. First, you will be assigned to a team of 3 and you will decide amongst your group who will be assigned each role.
  2. All team members will review the background information section as necessary to familiarize yourselves with embryonic stem cell research along with the terms and questions involved in the issue.
  3. Once your group has decided your roles, you will research that section of the webquest to gather the necessary information to present.
  4. You are to work with your team to develop a PowerPoint presentation for the public.
  5. Remember, you are not advocating a viewpoint, but presenting scientific information to the public so that they can make an informed decision when they vote on this issue.


Each group will be evaluated according to the rubric below.  Each student within the group will receive the same score with the exception of the oral presentation section, which will be an individual score.












Subject Knowledge


Students fail to demonstrate basic understanding of the science behind embryonic stem cell research

Students demonstrate limited understanding of the science behind embryonic stem cell research

Students demonstrate adequate understanding of the science behind embryonic stem cell research

Students demonstrate complete understanding of the science behind embryonic stem cell research


Analysis of Issue

Students fail to demonstrate adequate understanding of the potential benefits and concerns regarding embryonic stem cell research or their presentation demonstrates major bias

Students demonstrate adequate understanding of the potential benefits and concerns regarding embryonic stem cell research and present them without bias

Students demonstrate deep understanding of the potential benefits and concerns regarding embryonic stem cell research and present them with minor bias

Students demonstrate deep understanding of the potential benefits and concerns regarding embryonic stem cell research and present them without bias


X 2


Visual Presentation

The PowerPoint students develop is ineffective in communicating their findings

The PowerPoint students develop has errors or is incompletely developed to the point that it detracts from effectively communicating their findings

The PowerPoint students develop has only minor errors that do not detract from effectively communicating their findings

The PowerPoint students develop is professional, error-free and effective in communicating their findings


Oral Presentation

The oral presentation is ineffective in communicating their findings

The oral presentation has errors or is incompletely developed to the point that it detracts from effectively communicating their findings

The oral presentation has only minor errors that do not detract from effectively communicating their findings

The oral presentation is professional, error-free and effective in communicating their findings



Continue exploring by visiting the Background for all link at the top of the page.