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Race Day

    Now that you’ve trained and prepared for your event, here’s a quick overview of what the actual race day schedule will probably look like. Many races have you pick up your packet the day of the event, and you may have to park a distance away from the start line, depending on how many people are registered for the race.

    Because of this, you may want to plan on arriving at least an hour or two before your scheduled start time so you can park, get your packet and race bib, stretch and warm-up, and definitely visit the restroom because I haven’t seen any distance of obstacle race or mud run YET that has restrooms along the course.

Group of racers before Spartan race.
Above photo: Group of racers before a Spartan race.

Here’s a sample race day outline:
  • Wake up, use your checklist to make sure you have everything you need, eat if you want to do so, based on what you figured out during your training phase, and head out.
  • Arrive at the venue and park.
  • Pick up your packet and race bib first thing.
  • Swing by the restroom.
  • Put any extra equipment back in the car/drop off your bag and post-race equipment at a bag check/if you have a friend or family member watching you race, leave your post-race equipment with them.
  • Take some pre-race “clean” pictures.
  • Warm up and stretch.
  • You may want to swing by the restroom again.
  • Head to the start line and get ready for some fun!

Racers rolling a giant tractor tire.     Log wall obstacle.     Monkey bars over water obstacle.
Above photos from left to right: Racers rolling a giant tractor tire, a log wall obstacle, and monkey bars over water.
    You’ve trained and prepared, so the best piece of advice I can give you before you start your race is a quote from Doug Balzarini in an article on, “Have fun! There isn't a large money prize for winning these events; go out there to compete, get some exercise, and have some laughs. Obstacle races are all about fun, fitness, and hilarious memories.”

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