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Feminism, Humanism and Social Justice

Get Active: National Feminist/GLBT Social Movement Organizations

 Feminist Majority
The Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF), which was founded in 1987, is a cutting edge  organization dedicated to women's equality, reproductive health, and non-violence. In all spheres, FMF utilizes research and action to empower women economically, socially, and politically. Our organization believes that feminists - both women and men, girls and  boys - are the majority, but this majority must be empowered.

Ms Foundation
The Ms. Foundation supports the efforts of women and girls to govern their own lives and  influence the world around them. Through its leadership, expertise and financial support, the  Foundation champions an equitable society by effecting change in public consciousness,  law, philanthropy and social policy.
Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network
"Glsen envisions a future in which every child learns to respect and accept all people, reguardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/express."

" Founded over 20 years ago, the St. Louis Gender Foundation strives to provide a safe place for people to explore their gender differences.We do this through our monthly meetings and occasional group outings."

Growing American Youth
" Growing American Youth brings gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth 21 and under in St. Louis and the surrounding areas together. We offer a place for youth to meet friends and to give and receive support in a safe environment. Celebrating over 25 years of service to youth!"

HRC (Human Rights Campaign)
"The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender equality. By inspiring and engaging all Americans, HRC strives to end discrimination against GLBT citizens and realize a nation that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all."

Out and Equal
" Out & Equal™ Workplace Advocates is the pre-eminent national organization devoted to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in the workplace."

Lambda Legal
"Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work."