

General Information About Morrisonville

-Small rural town in Central Illinois

-Located 45 miles south of the states capital, Sprinfield, Ill.

-Population 1, 056


Morrisonville's businesses include:

Two banks, two bars, one library, Lowe's Hardware, Becker's Clothing, Sloan's Furniture, Uptown Café, Casey's Gas Station and in the process of a new grocery store.

Famous People from Morrisonville, Ill.

-Augustus Belt, founder of Steak 'n Shake

-John Wahl, the inventor of the Eversharp pen and pencil

-Zoe Akins, famous playwright and poet who won a Pulitzer Prize in 1935

- Harry Forrester, member of Illinois Basketball Hall of Fame and Quincy University Hall of Fame

-Al Unser, catcher for the Detroit Tigers and Cincinnati Reds