


John L. Gilbert


Presentation to Industrial Relations Research Association Regarding Arbitration, May 1995

ADA Presentation to the Midwest Labor and Management Conference,
July 1995

Employment Law Seminar Presentation (Basic and Advanced) Labor and Management

Program (LAMP), Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE),
October 1995

Seminar for NBI on Employment Law Issues, May 1996

Employee Sexual Harassment Training

Employment Law Update Seminar Presentation (Basic and Advanced)
LAMP at SIUE, November 1996

Employee Sexual Harassment Training at SIUE, January 1997

Employee Sexual Harassment Training at SIUE, February 1997

Employee Sexual Harassment Seminar at SIUE, October 1997

Employment Law Update Seminar (Basic and Advanced) LAMP at SIUE,
October 1997

Employee Sexual Harassment Training at SIUE, November 1997

Sexual Harassment Training and Seminar at Blackburn College,
January 1998

Employment Law Update Seminar (Basic and Advanced) LAMP at SIUE,
October 1998

Employment Law Presentation to SIUE - SHRM Chapter, October 1999

Employment Law Update Seminar (Basic and Advanced) LAMP at SIUE,
October 1999

SIUE School of Business Seminar: Law and the Internet, October 1999

Workplace Violence Presentation to SIUE - SHRM Chapter, March 2000

Seminar for NBI Regarding Employment Law Issues, July 2000

SIUE SOB Business Hour Presentation: Cyberlaw Issues, January 2001

Seminar on Employment Law, SIUE School of Business -
Family Business Forum, February 2001