EBUS 559



Click here for printable syllabus


John L. Gilbert, J.D.


This course is designed to familiarize students with basic legal issues related to the Internet and information technology in the business context.

Ferrera, et. al., Cyberlaw: Text and Cases, West, 2001.


Since this class meets only 10 times during the term, attending class and coming to class on time and prepared is expected. Absences and tardiness may result in an adjustment to the grade students earn for class participation.

Reading assigned material prior to class is a must. No student can participate meaningfully, especially in a course which meets as long and as infrequently as this one, without preparation and lack of preparation will show.

Intelligent participation in class discussion is required. Students who consistently make insightful comments about the material, demonstrate understanding of course concepts and their applications, give interesting work related examples, raise interesting discussion points and generally add to the learning environment will be evaluated highly.

Discussions in class should not always be one directional, i.e. from teacher to student. A dialog as the normal part of the exchange of ideas during classroom discussions is encouraged. Contributions to group activities is crucial. Students will be assigned to a work team for the duration of the course.

Being able to express course concepts in writing plays a prominent role in any successful manager’s working life. That is why this course includes the use of writing skills, particularly the business application of course concepts. The writing assignment will be graded strictly for grammar, structure, logical argument and understandable writing. The fatal errors policy serves as the basic guideline for grading writing assignments. If you are concerned about your ability to meet these writing standards, please visit the SIUE Writing Center, Room 1419, Peck Building.


Each team will prepare a report with respect to the topic of its choice which relates directly to the materials covered by the course. The report must be at least 15 pages long and cite at least five references other than the textbook. The report must integrate course concepts with the topic chosen in analytical fashion. Topics must be approved by the instructor.


A. Business students must practice professional standards in their writing. The research paper must meet minimal standards. The standards address spelling, punctuation, format, and usage and grammar.

Fatal errors defined as:

1. Each misspelling;
2. Sentence fragments;
3. Run-on sentences;
4. Serious mistakes in capitalization;
5. Serious mistakes in punctuation that could inhibit understanding;
6. Errors in tense or subject and verb agreement;
7. Lack of conformity with assignment format;
8. Other serious errors which could inhibit understanding.

Papers with more than three fatal errors marked on any one page are unacceptable and will be returned to the student without a grade. Many fatal errors can be avoided by using facilities of a computer and the SIUE Writing Center.


Class Participation & Case Recitals:    50 %
Semester Project:        50 %

Students are reminded of SIUE requirements regarding academic honesty, integrity, and cheating, including plagiarism. Violations of regulations in this regard will not be tolerated.


Office: FH 2133
Hours: Before or after class and by appointment
Phone #s: SIUE Office: 650-2707
E-mail address:  jgilber@siue.edu
