Click here for printable syllabus SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AT
EDWARDSVILLE COURSE DESCRIPTION The study of current legal principles of business law of importance to accounting and business majors by the case method. TEXT West’s Business Law (8th Edition 2001) West Legal Studies in Business COURSE OUTLINE (Subject to Amendment)
BRIEFS Since the course will be taught by the case method, you are required to brief cases assigned for each chapter covered in class. See attached list. Instructions about how to brief a case will be provided in class. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Lectures may not cover all material assigned but you will still be responsible for the material. We may not have enough time to cover everything because so much must be covered. 2. Class attendance is required. Absences may result in a grade loss. Students are expected to come to class prepared and will be graded accordingly. 3. The Course grade is determined as follows:
4. Office Hours: Before or after class by appointment.
Office Phone: 650-2707 or 277-2400 5. Additional Recommended Reading:
(a) Chapters 10-18 regarding contract law; |