Sometimes a class doesn't end as well as we might hope. Because grades can impact overall GPA and they can also be requirements for other classes -- or even getting into a major -- SIUE allows students to repeat a class.

When you repeat a class, once the class is finished, the University will use the newest attempt in computing your GPA. That means, if you took at class in the fall semester and received a grade of D, and then took the class again in the spring semester and earned a B, only the B will compute in your GPA!

There are a couple important rules to remember when repeating a class, though!

  • Every grade you earn will be on your transcript.
  • Other colleges or universities may not have this repeat policy. If you decide to apply to law school or graduate school, that program may decide to re-compute your GPA to include all the grades you've earned.
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY, REPEATS ONLY COUNT IF TAKEN AT SIUE! You cannot take a class here in the spring, and then decide to repeat it at a community college over the summer. SIUE will only allow grades earned at SIUE to be computed in the university GPA.

If you're ever thinking about repeating a class, make sure you talk to an advisor or the Service Center first!