This website is being developed while I am studying Instructional Design and Learning Technology at SIU-E and will serve as my portfolio for program requirements. It spans work completed between Fall 2007 and Summer 2009.
About Me
I offer almost twenty years experience as a Respiratory Therapist. Throughout my career I have been privileged to experience many facets of health care including inpatient critical care, outpatient diagnostics, and student, staff, and patient education. I serve as Director of Clinical Education for the Respiratory Therapy program at Parkland College. A unique characteristic of this program is that the entire 2 year curriculum is centered on synchronous, videoconferenced classroom experiences. The approximately 40 students come from five community college districs in central Illinois. They are able to attend class and clinical training in thier home district with minimal travel to the Champaign campus. It is both challenging and rewarding to serve so many communities in this format.
I chose the SIUE Instructional Design and Learning Technology Program for its relevance to my daily needs as an educator using a distance learning platform. While I didn't have a cohesive direction at the start of this program, I quickly narrowed in to apply innovative technologies with educational applications specifically targeted to healthcare providers such as high fidelity patient simulators and distance learning environments. Class projects are focused on real world solutions to current challenges in the presentation of clinical and classroom education and will be utilized by practicing health care professionals. I hope to not only provide surface education but to promote critical thinking and enhanced communication between team members.
Future goals as an Instructional Technology professional will include utilization and continued enhancement of learning technologies in my daily practice as a respiratory therapy educator and pursuing additional education with an ultimate goal of a doctoral degree in Instructional Technology.
Site last updated Sept. 20, 2009
© 2009 Gina M Mason
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville