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Step - 3

Copying Standard Cell Library

        To view the layout in the virtuoso layout editor generated from the automatic place and route tool, the standard cell library which will contain the layout of the standard cells, has to be copied in to the Quarter Micron Process project directory(<Project Name>). The layouts of the standard cells i.e logic gates, buffers, will be copied in to the project directory.

        This step has to be done once only and need not be done for every module. Open a new console and cd into /home/<username>/cds/<ProjectName>". Type  "cp -R /home/cdsadmin/vendors/VTVT/layout/vtvt_nolabel.tar  .". This will copy "vtvt_nolabel.tar" in to the current directory. We have to untar the zipped file. Type the following command in the console
" tar -xvpf vtvt_nolabel.tar". This will create a directory "vtvt_nolabel" in "/home/<username>/cds/<ProjectName>" which will contain the layout of the standard cells.

        Type " vi cds.lib" in the same console. Add " DEFINE vtvt_nolabel /home/<username>/cds/<ProjectName>/vtvt_nolabel" to the file. Type ":wq!" so that it will save and quit. After this proceed to step 4