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Note: The figures given may slightly change from what you see. They will be almost similar if not you will be helped

Design Rule Checking

The layout must be drawn according to strict design rules. After you have finished your design, an automatic program will check each and every feature in your design against these design rules and report violations. This process is called Design Rule Checking.

Our design is finished, we must now perform a Design rule Check to see if we have any errors.

1. From the menu Verify select option DRC
( Check --> DRC )

Click to enlarge

This will pop-up the DRC options dialog box.

Click to enlarge


2. Start DRC

The default options for the DRC are adequate for most situations. DRC results and progress will be displayed in the CIW.

Click to enlarge


You'll have to check the results from the CIW. In this example we have two poly-to-poly contact spacing errors.

The errors are also highlighted on the layout.

Click to enlarge


As it is mostly the case, one misplacement will cause multiple DRC errors. The error can be corrected by moving the contact further to the left.

Click to enlarge


Layout step


After moving the contact to the left, we will have to perform another DRC.

Layout step


This is a successful DRC.

Final Layout

This is the completed layout of the CMOS inverter.


Layout step