International Data Base (from the U.S. Census Bureau)

The International Database (IDB) is a computerized data bank containing statistical tables of demographic, economic, and social data for all countries of the world. The summary data section allows users to click on the name of a country and view vital statistics as well as population estimates and projections (for 1950 to 2050). Users may also download the database and software to use the database. Provisions are also available for generating tables, maps, graphs, charts, and lotus spreadsheets.


International Statistical Agencies

Allows users to connect to the web sites of the main statistical agencies of individual countries of the world and major international organizations and the principal United States Federal Government Statistical agencies.


Penn-World Tables 

Penn-World Tables has a form that allows users to retrieve subsets of the Penn World Tables. The Data includes 27 economic indicators for each of the years dating from 1950 to the present for most of the countries of the world.




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